# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Caller log', type: :system, authenticated_as: :agent do let(:agent_phone) { '0190111' } let(:customer_phone) { '0190333' } let(:cti_token) { 'token1234' } let(:agent) { create(:agent, phone: agent_phone) } let(:customer) { create(:customer, phone: customer_phone) } let(:cti_on) { true } let(:params) do { direction: 'in', from: customer.phone, to: agent_phone, callId: '111', cause: 'busy', } end let(:first_params) { params.merge(event: 'newCall') } let(:second_params) { params.merge(event: 'hangup') } let(:place_call) do post "#{Capybara.app_host}/api/v1/cti/#{cti_token}", params: first_params post "#{Capybara.app_host}/api/v1/cti/#{cti_token}", params: second_params end let(:prepare) do Setting.set('cti_integration', cti_on) Setting.set('cti_token', cti_token) end before { prepare } context 'when cti integration is on' do it 'shows the phone menu in nav bar' do within '#navigation .menu' do expect(page).to have_link('Phone', href: '#cti') end end end context 'when cti integration is not on' do let(:cti_on) { false } it 'does not show the phone menu in nav bar' do within '#navigation .menu' do expect(page).to have_no_link('Phone', href: '#cti') end end end context 'when a customer call is answered' do let(:second_params) { params.merge(event: 'answer', answeringNumber: agent_phone) } context 'without active tickets' do before do travel(-2.months) create(:ticket, customer: customer) travel_back visit 'cti' place_call end it 'opens a new ticket after phone call inbound' do within(:active_content) do expect(page).to have_text('New Ticket') end end end context 'with active tickets' do before do create(:ticket, customer: customer) visit 'cti' place_call end it 'opens the customer profile screen after phone call inbound with tickets in the last month' do within(:active_content) do expect(page).to have_text(customer.fullname) end end end end context 'with incoming call' do before do visit 'cti' place_call end it 'increments the call counter notification badge' do within '[href="#cti"].js-phoneMenuItem' do counter = find('.counter') expect(counter).to have_content 1 end end end context 'when incoming call is checked' do before do visit 'cti' place_call end it 'clears the call counter notification badge' do within :active_content do find('.table-checkbox input.js-check', visible: :all).check allow_label_click: true end within '[href="#cti"].js-phoneMenuItem' do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.counter') end end end # Regression test for #2018 context 'phone numbers format' do before do visit 'cti' place_call end context 'with private number' do let(:customer_phone) { '007' } let(:agent_phone) { '008' } it 'appears verbatim' do within :active_content do expect(page).to have_selector('.js-callerLog', text: customer_phone) .and have_selector('.js-callerLog', text: agent_phone) end end end context 'with e164 number' do let(:customer_phone) { '4930609854180' } let(:agent_phone) { '4930609811111' } let(:prettified_customer_phone) { '+49 30 609854180' } let(:prettified_current_user_phone) { '+49 30 609811111' } it 'appears prettified' do within :active_content do expect(page).to have_selector('.js-callerLog', text: prettified_customer_phone) .and have_selector('.js-callerLog', text: prettified_current_user_phone) end end it 'done not appear verbatim' do within :active_content do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.js-callerLog', text: customer_phone) end end end end # Regression test for #2096 context 'with inactive user' do before do visit 'cti' place_call end let(:customer) do create(:customer, phone: customer_phone, active: false, firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe') end it 'appears inactive' do within :active_content do expect(page).to have_selector('span.avatar--inactive', text: 'JD') end end end # Regression test for #2075 context 'when user is with organization name' do before do visit 'cti' place_call end let(:firstname) { 'John' } let(:lastname) { 'Doe' } let(:organization_name) { 'Test Organization' } let(:organization) { create(:organization, name: organization_name) } let(:full_name) { "#{firstname} #{lastname}" } let(:customer) do create(:customer, phone: customer_phone, firstname: firstname, lastname: lastname, organization: organization) end shared_examples 'showing user with thier organization name' do it 'shows user with thier organization name' do within :active_content do expect(page).to have_selector( '.js-callerLog tr div.user-popover', text: "#{full_name} (#{organization_name})" ) end end end context 'with call direction out' do let(:first_params) { params.merge(event: 'newCall', direction: 'out', from: agent_phone, to: customer.phone) } let(:second_params) { params.merge(event: 'hangup', direction: 'out', from: agent_phone, to: customer.phone) } it_behaves_like 'showing user with thier organization name' end context 'with call direction in' do let(:first_params) { params.merge(event: 'newCall', direction: 'in') } let(:second_params) { params.merge(event: 'hangup', direction: 'in') } it_behaves_like 'showing user with thier organization name' end end end