class Sessions::Client def initialize( client_id ) @client_id = client_id self.log '---client start ws connection---' self.fetch self.log '---client exiting ws connection---' end def fetch backends = [ 'Sessions::Backend::TicketOverviewIndex', 'Sessions::Backend::TicketOverviewList', 'Sessions::Backend::Collections', 'Sessions::Backend::Rss', 'Sessions::Backend::ActivityStream', 'Sessions::Backend::TicketCreate', ] backend_pool = [] user_id_last_run = nil loop_count = 0 loop do # get connection user session_data = Sessions.get( @client_id ) return if !session_data return if !session_data[:user] return if !session_data[:user]['id'] user = User.lookup( id: session_data[:user]['id'] ) return if !user # init new backends if user_id_last_run != user_id_last_run = # release old objects backend_pool.collect! { nil } # create new pool backend_pool = [] backends.each {|backend| item =, self, @client_id) backend_pool.push item } end loop_count += 1 self.log "---client - looking for data of user #{}" # push messages from backends backend_pool.each(&:push) self.log '---/client-' # start faster in the beginnig if loop_count < 20 sleep 0.6 else sleep 1 end end end # send update to browser def send( data ) Sessions.send( @client_id, data ) end def log( msg ) Rails.logger.debug "client(#{ @client_id }) #{ msg }" end end