class Models include ApplicationLib =begin get list of models result = Models.all returns { Some::Classname1 => { attributes: ['id', 'name', '...'], reflections: ...model.reflections..., table: 'some_classname1s', }, Some::Classname2 => { attributes: ['id', 'name', '...'] reflections: ...model.reflections... table: 'some_classname2s', }, } =end def self.all all = {} dir = "#{Rails.root}/app/models/" Dir.glob( "#{dir}**/*.rb" ) do |entry| next if entry =~ /application_model/i next if entry =~ %r{channel/}i next if entry =~ %r{observer/}i next if entry =~ %r{store/provider/}i next if entry =~ %r{models/concerns/}i entry.gsub!(dir, '') entry = entry.to_classname model_class = load_adapter(entry) next if !model_class next if !model_class.respond_to? :new next if !model_class.respond_to? :table_name table_name = model_class.table_name # handle models where not table exists, pending migrations next if !ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.include?(table_name) model_object = next if !model_object.respond_to? :attributes all[model_class] = {} all[model_class][:attributes] = model_class.attribute_names all[model_class][:reflections] = model_class.reflections all[model_class][:table] = model_class.table_name #puts model_class #puts "rrrr #{all[model_class][:attributes]}" #puts " #{model_class.attribute_names.inspect}" end all end =begin get list of searchable models result = Models.searchable returns [Model1, Model2, Model3] =end def self.searchable models = [] all.each { |model_class, _options| next if !model_class next if !model_class.respond_to? :search_preferences models.push model_class } models end =begin get reference list of a models result = Models.references('User', 2) returns { 'Some::Classname1' => { attribute1: 12, attribute2: 6, }, 'Some::Classname2' => { updated_by_id: 12, created_by_id: 6, }, } =end def self.references(object_name, object_id) object_name = object_name.to_s # check if model exists object_model = load_adapter(object_name) object_model.find(object_id) list = all references = {} # find relations via attributes ref_attributes = ["#{object_name.downcase}_id"] # for users we do not define relations for created_by_id & # updated_by_id - add it here directly if object_name == 'User' ref_attributes.push 'created_by_id' ref_attributes.push 'updated_by_id' end list.each { |model_class, model_attributes| if !references[model_class.to_s] references[model_class.to_s] = {} end next if !model_attributes[:attributes] ref_attributes.each { |item| next if !model_attributes[:attributes].include?(item) count = model_class.where("#{item} = ?", object_id).count next if if !references[model_class.to_s][item] references[model_class.to_s][item] = 0 end Rails.logger.debug "FOUND (by id) #{model_class}->#{item} #{count}!" references[model_class.to_s][item] += count } } # find relations via reflections list.each { |model_class, model_attributes| next if !model_attributes[:reflections] model_attributes[:reflections].each { |_reflection_key, reflection_value| next if reflection_value.macro != :belongs_to col_name = "#{}_id" next if ref_attributes.include?(col_name) if reflection_value.options[:class_name] == object_name count = model_class.where("#{col_name} = ?", object_id).count next if if !references[model_class.to_s][col_name] references[model_class.to_s][col_name] = 0 end Rails.logger.debug "FOUND (by ref without class) #{model_class}->#{col_name} #{count}!" references[model_class.to_s][col_name] += count end next if reflection_value.options[:class_name] next if != object_name.downcase.to_sym count = model_class.where("#{col_name} = ?", object_id).count next if if !references[model_class.to_s][col_name] references[model_class.to_s][col_name] = 0 end Rails.logger.debug "FOUND (by ref with class) #{model_class}->#{col_name} #{count}!" references[model_class.to_s][col_name] += count } } # cleanup, remove models with empty references references.each { |k, v| next if !v.empty? references.delete(k) } references end =begin get reference total of a models count = Models.references_total('User', 2) returns count # 1234 =end def self.references_total(object_name, object_id) references = references(object_name, object_id) total = 0 references.each { |_model, model_references| model_references.each { |_col, count| total += count } } total end =begin merge model references to other model result = Models.merge('User', 2, 4711) # Object, object_id_of_primary, object_id_which_should_be_merged returns true # false =end def self.merge(object_name, object_id_primary, object_id_to_merge, force = false) # if lower x references to update, do it right now if force total = references_total(object_name, object_id_to_merge) if total > 1000 raise "Can't merge object because object has more then 1000 (#{total}) references, please contact your system administrator." end end # update references references = references(object_name, object_id_to_merge) references.each { |model, attributes| model_object = Object.const_get(model) # collect items and attributes to update items_to_update = {} attributes.each { |attribute, _count| Rails.logger.debug "#{object_name}: #{model}.#{attribute}->#{object_id_to_merge}->#{object_id_primary}" model_object.where("#{attribute} = ?", object_id_to_merge).each { |item| if !items_to_update[] items_to_update[] = item end items_to_update[][attribute.to_sym] = object_id_primary } } # update items ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do items_to_update.each { |_id, item|! } end } true end end