require 'json' require 'rss' require 'session_helper' module Session # get application root directory @root = Dir.pwd.to_s if !@root || @root.empty? || @root == '/' @root = Rails.root end # get working directories @path = @root + '/tmp/websocket' @pid = @root + '/tmp/pids/' # create global vars for threads @@user_threads = {} @@client_threads = {} def self.create( client_id, session, meta ) path = @path + '/' + client_id.to_s FileUtils.mkpath path meta[:last_ping] = path + '/session', 'wb' ) { |file| data = { :user => { :id => session['id'], }, :meta => meta, } # puts 'CREATE' + Marshal.dump(data) file.write Marshal.dump(data) } # send update to browser if session['id'] self.send( client_id, { :event => 'ws:login', :data => { :success => true }, }) end end def self.spool_create( msg ) path = @path + '/spool/' FileUtils.mkpath path file = + '-' + rand(99999).to_s path + '/' + file , 'wb' ) { |file| data = { :msg => msg, :timestamp =>, } # puts 'CREATE' + Marshal.dump(data) file.write data.to_json } end def self.spool_list( timestamp, current_user_id ) path = @path + '/spool/' FileUtils.mkpath path data = [] to_delete = [] files = [] Dir.foreach( path ) {|entry| next if entry == '.' || entry == '..' files.push entry } files.sort.each {|entry| filename = path + '/' + entry next if !File::exists?( filename ) filename, 'rb' ) { |file| all = spool = JSON.parse( all ) begin message_parsed = JSON.parse( spool['msg'] ) rescue => e log 'error', "can't parse spool message: #{ message }, #{ e.inspect }" next end # ignore message older then 48h if spool['timestamp'] + (2 * 86400) < to_delete.push path + '/' + entry next end # add spool attribute to push spool info to clients message_parsed['spool'] = true # only send not already now messages if !timestamp || timestamp < spool['timestamp'] # spool to recipient list if message_parsed['recipient'] && message_parsed['recipient']['user_id'] message_parsed['recipient']['user_id'].each { |user_id| if current_user_id == user_id item = { :type => 'direct', :message => message_parsed, } data.push item end } # spool to every client else item = { :type => 'broadcast', :message => message_parsed, } data.push item end end } } to_delete.each {|file| File.delete(file) } return data end def self.list client_ids = self.sessions session_list = {} client_ids.each { |client_id| data = self.get(client_id) next if !data session_list[client_id] = data } return session_list end def self.touch( client_id ) data = self.get(client_id) return if !data path = @path + '/' + client_id.to_s data[:meta][:last_ping] = path + '/session', 'wb' ) { |file| file.write Marshal.dump(data) } return true end def self.get( client_id ) session_file = @path + '/' + client_id.to_s + '/session' data = nil return if !File.exist? session_file begin session_file, 'rb' ) { |file| file.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) all = file.flock( File::LOCK_UN ) data = Marshal.load( all ) } rescue Exception => e File.delete(session_file) puts "Error reading '#{session_file}':" puts e.inspect return end return data end def self.send( client_id, data ) path = @path + '/' + client_id.to_s + '/' filename = 'send-' + + '-' + rand(99999999).to_s check = true count = 0 while check if File::exists?( path + filename ) count += 1 filename = filename + '-' + count # filename = filename + '-' + rand(99999).to_s # filename = filename + '-' + rand(99999).to_s else check = false end end return false if ! path path + 'a-' + filename, 'wb' ) { |file| file.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) file.write data.to_json file.flock( File::LOCK_UN ) file.close } return false if !File.exists?( path + 'a-' + filename ) path + 'a-' + filename, path + filename ) return true end def # just make sure that spool path exists if !File::exists?( @path ) FileUtils.mkpath @path end Thread.abort_on_exception = true while true client_ids = self.sessions client_ids.each { |client_id| # connection already open next if @@client_threads[client_id] # get current user session_data = Session.get( client_id ) next if !session_data next if !session_data[:user] next if !session_data[:user][:id] user = User.find( session_data[:user][:id] ) next if !user # start user thread start_user_thread = false if !@@user_threads[] start_user_thread = true @@user_threads[] = { @@user_threads[] = nil puts "close user(#{}) thread" # raise "Exception from thread" } end # wait with client thread unil user thread has done some little work if start_user_thread sleep 0.5 end # start client thread if !@@client_threads[client_id] @@client_threads[client_id] = { @@client_threads[client_id] = nil puts "close client(#{client_id}) thread" # raise "Exception from thread" } end } # system settings sleep 0.5 end end def self.sessions path = @path + '/' # just make sure that spool path exists if !File::exists?( path ) FileUtils.mkpath path end data = [] Dir.foreach( path ) do |entry| next if entry == '.' || entry == '..' || entry == 'spool' data.push entry.to_s end return data end def self.queue( client_id ) path = @path + '/' + client_id.to_s + '/' data = [] files = [] Dir.foreach( path ) {|entry| next if entry == '.' || entry == '..' files.push entry } files.sort.each {|entry| filename = path + '/' + entry if /^send/.match( entry ) data.push Session.queue_file( path, entry ) end } return data end def self.queue_file( path, filename ) file_old = path + filename file_new = path + 'a-' + filename file_old, file_new ) data = nil all = '' file_new, 'rb' ) { |file| all = } File.delete( file_new ) data = JSON.parse( all ) return data end def self.broadcast( data ) # list all current clients client_list = self.list client_list.each {|local_client_id, local_client| Session.send( local_client_id, data ) } return true end def self.destory( client_id ) path = @path + '/' + client_id.to_s FileUtils.rm_rf path end end module CacheIn @@data = {} @@data_time = {} @@expires_in = {} @@expires_in_ttl = {} def self.set( key, value, params = {} ) # puts 'CacheIn.set:' + key + '-' + value.inspect if params[:expires_in] @@expires_in[key] = + params[:expires_in] @@expires_in_ttl[key] = params[:expires_in] end @@data[ key ] = value @@data_time[ key ] = end def self.expired( key, params = {} ) # expire if value never was set return true if !@@data.include? key # ignore_expire return false if params[:ignore_expire] # set re_expire if params[:re_expire] if @@expires_in[key] @@expires_in[key] = + @@expires_in_ttl[key] end return false end # check if expired if @@expires_in[key] return true if @@expires_in[key] < return false end # return false if key was set without expires_in return false end def self.get_time( key, params = {} ) data = self.get( key, params ) if data return @@data_time[key] end return nil end def self.get( key, params = {} ) # puts 'CacheIn.get:' + key + '-' + @@data[ key ].inspect return if self.expired( key, params ) @@data[ key ] end end class UserState def initialize( user_id ) @user_id = user_id @data = {} @cache_key = 'user_' + user_id.to_s self.log 'notify', "---user started user state" CacheIn.set( 'last_run_' + user_id.to_s , true, { :expires_in => 20.seconds } ) self.fetch end def fetch user = User.find( @user_id ) return if !user while true # check if user is still with min one open connection if !CacheIn.get( 'last_run_' + ) self.log 'notify', "---user - closeing thread - no open user connection" return end self.log 'notice', "---user - fetch user data" # overview cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview' if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) overview = Ticket.overview( :current_user => user, ) overview_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', 'fetch overview - ' + cache_key if overview != overview_cache self.log 'notify', 'fetch overview changed - ' + cache_key # puts overview.inspect # puts '------' # puts overview_cache.inspect CacheIn.set( cache_key, overview, { :expires_in => 3.seconds } ) end end # overview lists overviews = Ticket.overview_list( :current_user => user, ) overviews.each { |overview| cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview_data_' + if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) overview_data = Ticket.overview( :view =>, # :view_mode => params[:view_mode], :current_user => user, :array => true, ) overview_data_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', 'fetch overview_data - ' + cache_key if overview_data != overview_data_cache self.log 'notify', 'fetch overview_data changed - ' + cache_key CacheIn.set( cache_key, overview_data, { :expires_in => 5.seconds } ) end end } # create_attributes cache_key = @cache_key + '_ticket_create_attributes' if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) ticket_create_attributes = Ticket.attributes_to_change( :current_user_id =>, ) ticket_create_attributes_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', 'fetch ticket_create_attributes - ' + cache_key if ticket_create_attributes != ticket_create_attributes_cache self.log 'notify', 'fetch ticket_create_attributes changed - ' + cache_key CacheIn.set( cache_key, ticket_create_attributes, { :expires_in => 2.minutes } ) end end # recent viewed cache_key = @cache_key + '_recent_viewed' if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) recent_viewed = RecentView.list_fulldata( user, 10 ) recent_viewed_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', 'fetch recent_viewed - ' + cache_key if recent_viewed != recent_viewed_cache self.log 'notify', 'fetch recent_viewed changed - ' + cache_key recent_viewed_full = RecentView.list_fulldata( user, 10 ) CacheIn.set( cache_key, recent_viewed, { :expires_in => 5.seconds } ) CacheIn.set( cache_key + '_push', recent_viewed_full ) end end # activity steam cache_key = @cache_key + '_activity_stream' if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) activity_stream = History.activity_stream( user ) activity_stream_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', 'fetch activity_stream - ' + cache_key if activity_stream != activity_stream_cache self.log 'notify', 'fetch activity_stream changed - ' + cache_key activity_stream_full = History.activity_stream_fulldata( user ) CacheIn.set( cache_key, activity_stream, { :expires_in => 0.75.minutes } ) CacheIn.set( cache_key + '_push', activity_stream_full ) end end # rss cache_key = @cache_key + '_rss' if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) url = '' rss_items = RSS.fetch( url, 8 ) rss_items_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', 'fetch rss - ' + cache_key if rss_items != rss_items_cache self.log 'notify', 'fetch rss changed - ' + cache_key CacheIn.set( cache_key, rss_items, { :expires_in => 2.minutes } ) CacheIn.set( cache_key + '_push', { head: 'Heise ATOM', items: rss_items, }) end end # auto population of default collections self.log 'notice', "---user - fetch push_collection data" # get available collections cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections' collections = CacheIn.get( cache_key ) if !collections collections = {} push_collection = SessionHelper::push_collections(user) push_collection.each { | key, value | collections[ key ] = true } CacheIn.set( cache_key, collections, { :expires_in => 2.minutes } ) end # check all collections to push push_collection = {} collections.each { | key, v | cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections_' + key if CacheIn.expired(cache_key) if push_collection.empty? push_collection = SessionHelper::push_collections(user) end push_collection_cache = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } ) self.log 'notice', "---user - fetch push_collection data " + cache_key if !push_collection[key] || !push_collection_cache || push_collection[key] != push_collection_cache || !push_collection[ key ].zip( push_collection_cache ).all? { |x, y| x.attributes == y.attributes } self.log 'notify', 'fetch push_collection changed - ' + cache_key CacheIn.set( cache_key, push_collection[key], { :expires_in => 1.minutes } ) end end } self.log 'notice', "---/user-" sleep 1 end end def log( level, data ) return if level == 'notice' puts "#{}:user_id(#{ @user_id }) #{ data }" end end class ClientState def initialize( client_id ) @client_id = client_id @cache_key = '' @data = {} @pushed = {} self.log 'notify', "---client start ws connection---" self.fetch self.log 'notify', "---client exiting ws connection---" end def fetch loop_count = 0 while true # get connection user session_data = Session.get( @client_id ) return if !session_data return if !session_data[:user] return if !session_data[:user][:id] user = User.lookup( :id => session_data[:user][:id] ) return if !user # set cache key @cache_key = 'user_' + loop_count += 1 self.log 'notice', "---client - looking for data of user #{}" # remember last run CacheIn.set( 'last_run_' + , true, { :expires_in => 20.seconds } ) # verify already pushed data if !CacheIn.get( 'pushed_users' + @client_id.to_s ) CacheIn.set( 'pushed_users' + @client_id.to_s , true, { :expires_in => 20.seconds } ) if @pushed[:users] users = {} @pushed[:users].each {|user_id, user_o| self.user( user_id, users ) } if !users.empty? users.each {|user_id, user_data| self.log 'notify', "push update of already pushed user id #{user_id}" } # send update to browser self.send({ :data => { :collections => { :User => users, }, }, :event => [ 'loadCollection', 'ticket_overview_rebuild' ], }); end end end # verify already pushed data if !CacheIn.get( 'pushed_tickets' + @client_id.to_s ) CacheIn.set( 'pushed_tickets' + @client_id.to_s , true, { :expires_in => 20.seconds } ) if @pushed[:tickets] tickets = [] users = {} @pushed[:tickets].each {|ticket_id, ticket_data| self.ticket( ticket_id, tickets, users ) } if !tickets.empty? tickets.each {|ticket| self.log 'notify', "push update of already pushed ticket id #{ticket['id']}" } # send update to browser self.send({ :data => { :collections => { :Ticket => tickets, :User => users, }, }, :event => [ 'loadCollection', 'ticket_overview_rebuild' ], }); end end end # overview cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview' overview_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if overview_time && @data[:overview_time] != overview_time @data[:overview_time] = overview_time overview = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.log 'notify', "push overview for user #{}" # send update to browser self.send({ :event => 'navupdate_ticket_overview', :data => overview, }) end # overview_data overviews = Ticket.overview_list( :current_user => user, ) overviews.each { |overview| cache_key = @cache_key + '_overview_data_' + overview_data_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if overview_data_time && @data[cache_key] != overview_data_time @data[cache_key] = overview_data_time overview_data = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.log 'notify', "push overview_data #{} for user #{}" users = {} tickets = [] overview_data[:ticket_list].each {|ticket_id| self.ticket( ticket_id, tickets, users ) } # get groups group_ids = [] Group.where( :active => true ).each { |group| group_ids.push } agents = {} Ticket.agents.each { |user| agents[ ] = 1 } groups_users = {} groups_users[''] = [] group_ids.each {|group_id| groups_users[ group_id ] = [] Group.find(group_id).users.each {|user| next if !agents[ ] groups_users[ group_id ].push if !users[] users[] = User.user_data_full( end } } # send update to browser self.send({ :data => { :overview => overview_data[:overview], :ticket_list => overview_data[:ticket_list], :tickets_count => overview_data[:tickets_count], :collections => { :User => users, :Ticket => tickets, }, :bulk => { :group_id__owner_id => groups_users, :owner_id => [], }, }, :event => [ 'loadCollection', 'ticket_overview_rebuild' ], :collection => 'ticket_overview_' +, }) end } # ticket_create_attributes cache_key = @cache_key + '_ticket_create_attributes' ticket_create_attributes_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if ticket_create_attributes_time && @data[:ticket_create_attributes_time] != ticket_create_attributes_time @data[:ticket_create_attributes_time] = ticket_create_attributes_time create_attributes = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) users = {} create_attributes[:owner_id].each {|user_id| if !users[user_id] users[user_id] = User.user_data_full(user_id) end } data = { :users => users, :edit_form => create_attributes, } self.log 'notify', "push ticket_create_attributes for user #{}" # send update to browser self.send({ :collection => 'ticket_create_attributes', :data => data, }) end # recent viewed cache_key = @cache_key + '_recent_viewed' recent_viewed_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if recent_viewed_time && @data[:recent_viewed_time] != recent_viewed_time @data[:recent_viewed_time] = recent_viewed_time recent_viewed = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.log 'notify', "push recent_viewed for user #{}" # send update to browser r = CacheIn.get( cache_key + '_push', { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.send({ :event => 'update_recent_viewed', :data => r, }) end # activity stream cache_key = @cache_key + '_activity_stream' activity_stream_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if activity_stream_time && @data[:activity_stream_time] != activity_stream_time @data[:activity_stream_time] = activity_stream_time activity_stream = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.log 'notify', "push activity_stream for user #{}" # send update to browser r = CacheIn.get( cache_key + '_push', { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.send({ :event => 'activity_stream_rebuild', :collection => 'activity_stream', :data => r, }) end # rss cache_key = @cache_key + '_rss' rss_items_time = CacheIn.get_time( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if rss_items_time && @data[:rss_time] != rss_items_time @data[:rss_time] = rss_items_time rss_items = CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.log 'notify', "push rss for user #{}" # send update to browser r = CacheIn.get( cache_key + '_push', { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.send({ :event => 'rss_rebuild', :collection => 'dashboard_rss', :data => r, }) end # push_collections cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections' collections = CacheIn.get( cache_key ) || {} collections.each { | key, v | collection_cache_key = @cache_key + '_push_collections_' + key collection_time = CacheIn.get_time( collection_cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) if collection_time && @data[ collection_cache_key + '_time' ] != collection_time @data[ collection_cache_key + '_time' ] = collection_time push_collections = CacheIn.get( collection_cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } ) self.log 'notify', "push push_collections #{key} for user #{}" # send update to browser data = {} data['collections'] = {} data['collections'][key] = push_collections self.send({ :event => 'resetCollection', :data => data, }) end } self.log 'notice', "---/client-" # start faster in the beginnig if loop_count < 20 sleep 0.6 else sleep 1 end end end # add ticket if needed def ticket( ticket_id, tickets, users ) if !@pushed[:tickets] @pushed[:tickets] = {} end ticket = Ticket.lookup( :id => ticket_id ) if @pushed[:tickets][ticket_id] != ticket['updated_at'] @pushed[:tickets][ticket_id] = ticket['updated_at'] tickets.push ticket end # add users if needed self.user( ticket['owner_id'], users ) self.user( ticket['customer_id'], users ) self.user( ticket['created_by_id'], users ) self.user( ticket['updated_by_id'], users ) end # add user if needed def user( user_id, users ) if !@pushed[:users] @pushed[:users] = {} end # get user user = User.user_data_full( user_id ) # user is already on client and not changed return if @pushed[:users][ user_id ] == user['updated_at'] @pushed[:users][user_id] = user['updated_at'] # user not on client or different self.log 'notice', 'push user ... ' + user['login'] users[ user_id ] = user end # send update to browser def send( data ) Session.send( @client_id, data ) end def log( level, data ) return if level == 'notice' puts "#{}:client(#{ @client_id }) #{ data }" end end