module BrowserTestHelper # Finds an element and clicks it - wrapped in one method. # # @example # click('.js-channel') # # click(:href, '#settings/branding') # def click(*args) find(*args).click end # This is a wrapper around the Selenium::WebDriver::Wait class # with additional methods. # @see BrowserTestHelper::Waiter # # @example # wait(5).until { ... } # # @example # wait(5, interval: 0.5).until { ... } # def wait(seconds = Capybara.default_max_wait_time, **kargs) wait_args = Hash(kargs).merge(timeout: seconds) wait_handle = end class Waiter < SimpleDelegator # This method is a derivation of Selenium::WebDriver::Wait#until # which ignores Capybara::ElementNotFound exceptions raised # in the given block. # # @example # wait(5).until_exists { find('[data-title="example"]') } # def until_exists self.until do begin yield rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions end end rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError => e # cleanup backtrace e.set_backtrace(e.backtrace.drop(3)) raise e end # This method loops a given block until the result of it is constant. # # @example # wait(5).until_constant { find('.total').text } # def until_constant previous = nil loop do sleep __getobj__.instance_variable_get(:@interval) latest = yield break if latest == previous previous = latest end end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include BrowserTestHelper, type: :system end