$LOAD_PATH << './lib' require 'rubygems' namespace :searchindex do task :drop, [:opts] => :environment do |_t, _args| # drop indexes puts 'drop indexes...' SearchIndexBackend.index( action: 'delete', ) end task :create, [:opts] => :environment do |_t, _args| puts 'create indexes...' # es with mapper-attachments plugin info = SearchIndexBackend.info number = nil if info.present? number = info['version']['number'].to_s end if number.blank? || number =~ /^[2-4]\./ || number =~ /^5\.[0-5]\./ # create indexes SearchIndexBackend.index( action: 'create', data: { mappings: { Ticket: { _source: { excludes: [ 'article.attachment' ] }, properties: { article: { type: 'nested', include_in_parent: true, properties: { attachment: { type: 'attachment', } } } } } } } ) Setting.set('es_pipeline', '') # es with ingest-attachment plugin else # create indexes SearchIndexBackend.index( action: 'create', data: { mappings: { Ticket: { _source: { excludes: [ 'article.attachment' ] }, } } } ) # update processors pipeline = 'zammad-attachment' Setting.set('es_pipeline', pipeline) SearchIndexBackend.processors( "_ingest/pipeline/#{pipeline}": [ { action: 'delete', }, { action: 'create', description: 'Extract zammad-attachment information from arrays', processors: [ { foreach: { field: 'article', ignore_failure: true, processor: { foreach: { field: '_ingest._value.attachment', ignore_failure: true, processor: { attachment: { target_field: '_ingest._value', field: '_ingest._value._content', ignore_failure: true, } } } } } } ] } ] ) end end task :reload, [:opts] => :environment do |_t, _args| puts 'reload data...' Models.searchable.each do |model_class| puts " reload #{model_class}" started_at = Time.zone.now puts " - started at #{started_at}" model_class.search_index_reload took = Time.zone.now - started_at puts " - took #{took.to_i} seconds" end end task :rebuild, [:opts] => :environment do |_t, _args| Rake::Task['searchindex:drop'].execute Rake::Task['searchindex:create'].execute Rake::Task['searchindex:reload'].execute end end