# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ module HasActivityStreamLog extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_create :activity_stream_create after_update :activity_stream_update before_destroy :activity_stream_destroy end =begin log object create activity stream, if configured - will be executed automatically model = Model.find(123) model.activity_stream_create =end def activity_stream_create activity_stream_log('create', self['created_by_id']) end =begin log object update activity stream, if configured - will be executed automatically model = Model.find(123) model.activity_stream_update =end def activity_stream_update return if !changed? ignored_attributes = self.class.instance_variable_get(:@activity_stream_attributes_ignored) || [] ignored_attributes += %i(created_at updated_at created_by_id updated_by_id) log = false changes.each { |key, _value| next if ignored_attributes.include?(key.to_sym) log = true } return if !log activity_stream_log('update', self['updated_by_id']) end =begin delete object activity stream, will be executed automatically model = Model.find(123) model.activity_stream_destroy =end def activity_stream_destroy ActivityStream.remove(self.class.to_s, id) end # methods defined here are going to extend the class, not the instance of it class_methods do =begin serve methode to ignore model attributes in activity stream and/or limit activity stream permission class Model < ApplicationModel include HasActivityStreamLog activity_stream_permission 'admin.user' activity_stream_attributes_ignored :create_article_type_id, :preferences end =end def activity_stream_attributes_ignored(*attributes) @activity_stream_attributes_ignored = attributes end def activity_stream_permission(permission) @activity_stream_permission = permission end end end