# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ class UsersController < ApplicationController before_filter :authentication_check, :except => [:create, :password_reset_send, :password_reset_verify] # @path [GET] /users # # @summary Returns a list of Users. # @notes Requester has to be in role 'Admin' or 'Agent' to # get a list of all Users. If requester is only in the # role 'Customer' he gets only his own Users entity. # # @response_message 200 [Array] List of matching User records. # @response_message 401 Invalid session. def index # only allow customer to fetch him self if is_role('Customer') && !is_role('Admin') && !is_role('Agent') users = User.where( :id => current_user.id ) else users = User.all end users_all = [] users.each {|user| users_all.push User.lookup( :id => user.id ).attributes_with_associations } render :json => users_all, :status => :ok end # @path [GET] /users/{id} # # @summary Returns the User with the requested identifier. # @notes Requester has to be in role 'Admin' or 'Agent' to # get a list of all Users. If requester is only in the # role 'Customer' he gets only his own Users entity. # # @parameter id(required) [Integer] The identifier matching the requested User. # @parameter full [Bool] If set a Asset structure with all connected Assets gets returned. # # @response_message 200 [User] User record matching the requested identifier. # @response_message 401 Invalid session. def show # access deny return if !permission_check if params[:full] full = User.full( params[:id] ) render :json => full return end user = User.find( params[:id] ) render :json => user end # @path [POST] /users # # @summary Creates a User with the provided attribute values. # @notes TODO. # # @parameter User(required,body) [User] The attribute value structure needed to create a User. # # @response_message 200 [User] Created User record. # @response_message 401 Invalid session. def create user = User.new( User.param_cleanup(params) ) begin # check if it's first user count = User.all.count() # if it's a signup, add user to customer role if !current_user user.updated_by_id = 1 user.created_by_id = 1 # check if feature is enabled if !Setting.get('user_create_account') render :json => { :error => 'Feature not enabled!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end # add first user as admin/agent and to all groups group_ids = [] role_ids = [] if count <= 2 Role.where( :name => [ 'Admin', 'Agent'] ).each { |role| role_ids.push role.id } Group.all().each { |group| group_ids.push group.id } # everybody else will go as customer per default else role_ids.push Role.where( :name => 'Customer' ).first.id end user.role_ids = role_ids user.group_ids = group_ids # else do assignment as defined else # permission check by role return if !permission_check_by_role if params[:role_ids] user.role_ids = params[:role_ids] end if params[:group_ids] user.group_ids = params[:group_ids] end end # check if user already exists if user.email exists = User.where( :email => user.email ).first if exists render :json => { :error => 'User already exists!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end end user.save # if first user was added, set system init done if count <= 2 Setting.set( 'system_init_done', true ) end # send inviteation if needed / only if session exists if params[:invite] && current_user # generate token token = Token.create( :action => 'PasswordReset', :user_id => user.id ) # send mail data = {} data[:subject] = 'Invitation to #{config.product_name} at #{config.fqdn}' data[:body] = 'Hi #{user.firstname}, I (#{current_user.firstname} #{current_user.lastname}) invite you to #{config.product_name} - the customer support / ticket system platform. Click on the following link and set your password: #{config.http_type}://#{config.fqdn}/#password_reset_verify/#{token.name} Enjoy, #{current_user.firstname} #{current_user.lastname} Your #{config.product_name} Team ' # prepare subject & body [:subject, :body].each { |key| data[key.to_sym] = NotificationFactory.build( :locale => user.locale, :string => data[key.to_sym], :objects => { :token => token, :user => user, :current_user => current_user, } ) } # send notification NotificationFactory.send( :recipient => user, :subject => data[:subject], :body => data[:body] ) end user_new = User.find( user.id ) render :json => user_new, :status => :created rescue Exception => e render :json => { :error => e.message }, :status => :unprocessable_entity end end # @path [PUT] /users/{id} # # @summary Updates the User matching the identifier with the provided attribute values. # @notes TODO. # # @parameter id(required) [Integer] The identifier matching the requested User. # @parameter User(required,body) [User] The attribute value structure needed to update a User. # # @response_message 200 [User] Updated User record. # @response_message 401 Invalid session. def update # access deny return if !permission_check user = User.find( params[:id] ) begin user.update_attributes( User.param_cleanup(params) ) # only allow Admin's and Agent's if is_role('Admin') && is_role('Agent') && params[:role_ids] user.role_ids = params[:role_ids] end # only allow Admin's if is_role('Admin') && params[:group_ids] user.group_ids = params[:group_ids] end # only allow Admin's and Agent's if is_role('Admin') && is_role('Agent') && params[:organization_ids] user.organization_ids = params[:organization_ids] end # get new data user_new = User.find( params[:id] ) render :json => user_new, :status => :ok rescue Exception => e render :json => { :error => e.message }, :status => :unprocessable_entity end end # @path [DELETE] /users/{id} # # @summary Deletes the User matching the identifier. # @notes Requester has to be in role 'Admin' to be able to delete a User. # # @parameter id(required) [User] The identifier matching the requested User. # # @response_message 200 User successfully deleted. # @response_message 401 Invalid session. def destroy return if deny_if_not_role('Admin') model_destory_render(User, params) end # @path [GET] /users/search # # @tag Search # @tag User # # @summary Searches the User matching the given expression(s). # @notes TODO: It's possible to use the SOLR search syntax. # Requester has to be in role 'Admin' or 'Agent' to # be able to search Users. If requester is only in the # role 'Customer' he gets a permission denied message. # # @parameter term [String] The search term. # @parameter limit [Integer] The limit of search results. # @parameter role_ids(multi) [Array] A list of Role identifiers to which the Users have to be allocated to. # @parameter full [Boolean] Defines if the result should be # true: { user_ids => [1,2,...], assets => {...} } # or false: [{:id => user.id, :label => "firstname lastname ", :value => "firstname lastname "},...]. # # @response_message 200 [Array] Matching Users. # @response_message 401 Invalid session. def search if is_role('Customer') && !is_role('Admin') && !is_role('Agent') response_access_deny return end query_params = { :query => params[:term], :limit => params[:limit], :current_user => current_user, } if params[:role_ids] && !params[:role_ids].empty? query_params[:role_ids] = params[:role_ids] end # do query user_all = User.search(query_params) # build result list if !params[:full] users = [] user_all.each { |user| realname = user.firstname.to_s + ' ' + user.lastname.to_s if user.email && user.email.to_s != '' realname = realname + ' <' + user.email.to_s + '>' end a = { :id => user.id, :label => realname, :value => realname } users.push a } # return result render :json => users return end user_ids = [] assets = {} user_all.each { |user| assets = user.assets(assets) user_ids.push user.id } # return result render :json => { :assets => assets, :user_ids => user_ids.uniq, } end # GET /api/v1/users/history/1 def history # permissin check if !is_role('Admin') && !is_role('Agent') response_access_deny return end # get user data user = User.find( params[:id] ) # get history of user history = user.history_get(true) # return result render :json => history end =begin Resource: POST /api/v1/users/password_reset Payload: { "username": "some user name" } Response: { :message => 'ok' } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/password_reset.json -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username": "some_username"}' =end def password_reset_send # check if feature is enabled if !Setting.get('user_lost_password') render :json => { :error => 'Feature not enabled!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end success = User.password_reset_send( params[:username] ) if success render :json => { :message => 'ok' }, :status => :ok else render :json => { :message => 'failed' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity end end =begin Resource: POST /api/v1/users/password_reset_verify Payload: { "token": "SoMeToKeN", "password" "new_password" } Response: { :message => 'ok' } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/password_reset_verify.json -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"token": "SoMeToKeN", "password" "new_password"}' =end def password_reset_verify if params[:password] user = User.password_reset_via_token( params[:token], params[:password] ) else user = User.password_reset_check( params[:token] ) end if user render :json => { :message => 'ok', :user_login => user.login }, :status => :ok else render :json => { :message => 'failed' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity end end =begin Resource: POST /api/v1/users/password_change Payload: { "password_old": "some_password_old", "password_new": "some_password_new" } Response: { :message => 'ok' } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/password_change.json -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"password_old": "password_old", "password_new": "password_new"}' =end def password_change # check old password if !params[:password_old] render :json => { :message => 'Old password needed!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end user = User.authenticate( current_user.login, params[:password_old] ) if !user render :json => { :message => 'Old password is wrong!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end # set new password if !params[:password_new] render :json => { :message => 'New password needed!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end user.update_attributes( :password => params[:password_new] ) render :json => { :message => 'ok', :user_login => user.login }, :status => :ok end =begin Resource: PUT /api/v1/users/preferences.json Payload: { "language": "de", "notification": true } Response: { :message => 'ok' } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/preferences.json -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"language": "de", "notifications": true}' =end def preferences if !current_user render :json => { :message => 'No current user!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end if params[:user] params[:user].each {|key, value| current_user.preferences[key.to_sym] = value } end current_user.save render :json => { :message => 'ok' }, :status => :ok end =begin Resource: DELETE /api/v1/users/account.json Payload: { "provider": "twitter", "uid": 581482342942 } Response: { :message => 'ok' } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/account.json -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"provider": "twitter", "uid": 581482342942}' =end def account_remove if !current_user render :json => { :message => 'No current user!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end # provider + uid to remove if !params[:provider] render :json => { :message => 'provider needed!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end if !params[:uid] render :json => { :message => 'uid needed!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end # remove from database record = Authorization.where( :user_id => current_user.id, :provider => params[:provider], :uid => params[:uid], ) if !record.first render :json => { :message => 'No record found!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end record.destroy_all render :json => { :message => 'ok' }, :status => :ok end =begin Resource: GET /api/v1/users/image/8d6cca1c6bdc226cf2ba131e264ca2c7 Response: Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/image/8d6cca1c6bdc226cf2ba131e264ca2c7 -v -u #{login}:#{password} =end def image # cache image response.headers['Expires'] = 1.year.from_now.httpdate response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'cache, store, max-age=31536000, must-revalidate' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'cache' file = Avatar.get_by_hash( params[:hash] ) if file send_data( file.content, :filename => file.filename, :type => file.preferences['Content-Type'] || file.preferences['Mime-Type'], :disposition => 'inline' ) return end # serve default image image = 'R0lGODdhMAAwAOMAAMzMzJaWlr6+vqqqqqOjo8XFxbe3t7GxsZycnAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAAMAAwAAAEcxDISau9OOvNu/9gKI5kaZ5oqq5s675wLM90bd94ru98TwuAA+KQAQqJK8EAgBAgMEqmkzUgBIeSwWGZtR5XhSqAULACCoGCJGwlm1MGQrq9RqgB8fm4ZTUgDBIEcRR9fz6HiImKi4yNjo+QkZKTlJWWkBEAOw==' send_data( Base64.decode64(image), :filename => 'image.gif', :type => 'image/gif', :disposition => 'inline' ) end =begin Resource: POST /api/v1/users/avatar Payload: { "avatar_full": "base64 url", } Response: { :message => 'ok' } Test: curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/avatar -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"avatar": "base64 url"}' =end def avatar_new return if !valid_session_with_user # get & validate image file_full = StaticAssets.data_url_attributes( params[:avatar_full] ) file_resize = StaticAssets.data_url_attributes( params[:avatar_resize] ) avatar = Avatar.add( :object => 'User', :o_id => current_user.id, :full => { :content => file_full[:content], :mime_type => file_full[:mime_type], }, :resize => { :content => file_resize[:content], :mime_type => file_resize[:mime_type], }, :source => 'upload ' + Time.now.to_s, :deletable => true, ) # update user link current_user.update_attributes( :image => avatar.store_hash ) render :json => { :avatar => avatar }, :status => :ok end def avatar_set_default return if !valid_session_with_user # get & validate image if !params[:id] render :json => { :message => 'No id of avatar!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end # set as default avatar = Avatar.set_default( 'User', current_user.id, params[:id] ) # update user link current_user.update_attributes( :image => avatar.store_hash ) render :json => {}, :status => :ok end def avatar_destroy return if !valid_session_with_user # get & validate image if !params[:id] render :json => { :message => 'No id of avatar!' }, :status => :unprocessable_entity return end # remove avatar Avatar.remove_one( 'User', current_user.id, params[:id] ) # update user link avatar = Avatar.get_default( 'User', current_user.id ) current_user.update_attributes( :image => avatar.store_hash ) render :json => {}, :status => :ok end def avatar_list return if !valid_session_with_user # list of avatars result = Avatar.list( 'User', current_user.id ) render :json => { :avatars => result }, :status => :ok end private def permission_check_by_role return true if is_role('Admin') return true if is_role('Agent') response_access_deny return false end def permission_check return true if is_role('Admin') return true if is_role('Agent') # allow to update customer by him self return true if is_role('Customer') && params[:id].to_i == current_user.id response_access_deny return false end end