# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ class Stats::TicketInProcess def self.generate(user) # get own tickets which are "workable" open_state_ids = Ticket::State.by_category(:work_on).pluck(:id) pending_state_ids = Ticket::State.by_category(:pending_reminder).pluck(:id) own_ticket_ids = Ticket.select('id').where( 'owner_id = ? AND (state_id IN (?) OR (state_id IN (?) AND pending_time < ?))', user.id, open_state_ids, pending_state_ids, Time.zone.now ).limit(1000).pluck(:id) # get all tickets where I worked on today (owner & closed today) closed_state_ids = Ticket::State.by_category(:closed).pluck(:id) closed_ticket_ids = Ticket.select('id').where( 'owner_id = ? AND state_id IN (?) AND close_at > ?', user.id, closed_state_ids, Time.zone.now - 1.day ).limit(100).pluck(:id) # get all tickets which I changed to pending action pending_action_state_ids = Ticket::State.by_category(:pending_action).pluck(:id) pending_action_ticket_ids = Ticket.select('id').where( 'owner_id = ? AND state_id IN (?) AND updated_at > ?', user.id, pending_action_state_ids, Time.zone.now - 1.day ).limit(100).pluck(:id) all_ticket_ids = own_ticket_ids.concat(closed_ticket_ids).concat(pending_action_ticket_ids).uniq # get count where user worked on history_object = History::Object.lookup(name: 'Ticket') count = History.select('DISTINCT(o_id)').where( 'histories.created_at >= ? AND histories.history_object_id = ? AND histories.created_by_id = ? AND histories.o_id IN (?)', Time.zone.now - 1.day, history_object.id, user.id, all_ticket_ids ).count total = all_ticket_ids.count in_process_precent = 0 state = 'supergood' average_in_percent = '-' if total.nonzero? in_process_precent = ( count.to_f / (total.to_f / 100) ).round(1) end { used_for_average: in_process_precent, average_per_agent: average_in_percent, state: state, in_process: count, percent: in_process_precent, total: total, } end def self.average_state(result, _user_id) return result if !result.key?(:used_for_average) if result[:total] < 1 result[:state] = 'supergood' return result end in_percent = ( result[:used_for_average].to_f / (result[:average_per_agent].to_f / 100) ).round(1) result[:state] = if in_percent >= 90 'supergood' elsif in_percent >= 65 'good' elsif in_percent >= 40 'ok' elsif in_percent >= 20 'bad' else 'superbad' end result end end