require 'browser_test_helper' class AgentTicketTextModuleTest < TestCase def test_text_modules random = 'text_module_test_' + rand(99_999_999).to_s random2 = 'text_module_test_' + rand(99_999_999).to_s @browser = browser_instance login( username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all() # create new text modules text_module_create( data: { name: 'some name' + random, keywords: random, content: 'some content' + random, }, ) text_module_create( data: { name: 'some name' + random2, keywords: random2, content: 'some content' + random2, }, ) # try to use them click(css: 'a[href="#new"]', only_if_exists: true) click(css: 'a[href="#ticket/create"]') sleep 2 set( css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'test ::' + random, ) watch_for( css: '.active .shortcut', value: random, ) sendkey( value: :arrow_down, slow: true, ) click(css: '.active .shortcut > ul> li') watch_for( css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'some content' + random, ) tasks_close_all() # test with two browser windows random = 'text_II_module_test_' + rand(99_999_999).to_s user_rand = rand(99_999_999).to_s login = 'agent-text-module-' + user_rand firstname = 'Text' + user_rand lastname = 'Module' + user_rand email = 'agent-text-module-' + user_rand + '' password = 'agentpw' # use current session browser1 = @browser browser2 = browser_instance login( browser: browser2, username: '', password: 'test', url: browser_url, ) tasks_close_all( browser: browser2, ) # create new ticket ticket_create( browser: browser2, data: { title: 'A', }, do_not_submit: true, ) ticket_create( browser: browser2, data: { title: 'B', }, do_not_submit: true, ) # create new text module text_module_create( browser: browser1, data: { name: 'some name' + random, keywords: random, content: "some content \#{ticket.customer.lastname}#{random}", }, ) # create user to test placeholder user_create( browser: browser1, data: { login: login, firstname: firstname, lastname: lastname, email: email, password: password, }, ) # check if text module exists in instance2, for ready to use set( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'test ::' + random, ) watch_for( browser: browser2, css: '.active .shortcut', value: random, ) sendkey( browser: browser2, value: :arrow_down, ) click( browser: browser2, css: '.active .shortcut > ul> li', ) watch_for( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'some content -' + random, ) ticket_customer_select( browser: browser2, css: '.active .newTicket', customer: 'nicole', ) set( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: '::' + random, ) sendkey( browser: browser2, value: :arrow_down, slow: true, ) click( browser: browser2, css: '.active .shortcut > ul> li', ) watch_for( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'some content Braun' + random, ) # verify zoom click( browser: browser1, css: 'a[href="#manage"]', ) # create ticket ticket_create( browser: browser2, data: { customer: 'nico', group: 'Users', title: 'some subject 123äöü', body: 'some body 123äöü', }, ) set( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'test', no_click: true, ) set( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: '::' + random, no_click: true, ) sendkey( browser: browser2, value: :arrow_down, ) sleep 1 click( browser: browser2, css: '.active .shortcut > ul> li', ) watch_for( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'some content Braun' + random, ) # change customer click( browser: browser1, css: 'a[href="#manage"]', ) click( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-tab="ticket"] .js-actions .icon-arrow-down', ) click( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-tab="ticket"] .js-actions [data-type="customer-change"]', ) sleep 1 ticket_customer_select( browser: browser2, css: '.modal', customer: firstname, ) click( browser: browser2, css: '.modal-content .js-submit', ) watch_for_disappear( browser: browser2, css: '.modal', ) set( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: '::' + random, no_click: true, ) sendkey( browser: browser2, value: :arrow_down, ) sendkey( browser: browser2, value: :enter, ) watch_for( browser: browser2, css: '.active div[data-name=body]', value: 'some content ' + lastname, ) end end