require 'json' require 'session_helper' module Sessions # get application root directory @root = Dir.pwd.to_s if !@root || @root.empty? || @root == '/' @root = Rails.root end # get working directories @path = "#{@root}/tmp/websocket" # create global vars for threads @@client_threads = {} =begin start new session Sessions.create( client_id, session_data, { :type => 'websocket' } ) returns true|false =end def self.create( client_id, session, meta ) path = "#{@path}/#{client_id}" path_tmp = "#{@path}/tmp/#{client_id}" session_file = "#{path_tmp}/session" # collect session data meta[:last_ping] = data = { user: session, meta: meta, } content = data.to_json # store session data in session file FileUtils.mkpath path_tmp session_file, 'wb' ) { |file| file.write content } # destory old session if needed if File::exist?( path ) Sessions.destory(client_id) end # move to destination directory path_tmp, path ) # send update to browser if session && session['id'] self.send( client_id, { event: 'ws:login', data: { success: true }, } ) end end =begin list of all session client_ids = Sessions.sessions returns ['4711', '4712'] =end def self.sessions path = "#{@path}/" # just make sure that spool path exists if !File::exist?( path ) FileUtils.mkpath path end data = [] Dir.foreach( path ) do |entry| next if entry == '.' next if entry == '..' next if entry == 'tmp' next if entry == 'spool' data.push entry.to_s end data end =begin list of all session Sessions.session_exists?(client_id) returns true|false =end def self.session_exists?(client_id) client_ids = self.sessions client_ids.include? client_id.to_s end =begin list of all session with data client_ids_with_data = Sessions.list returns { '4711' => { :user => { 'id' => 123, }, :meta => { :type => 'websocket', :last_ping => time_of_last_ping, } }, '4712' => { :user => { 'id' => 124, }, :meta => { :type => 'ajax', :last_ping => time_of_last_ping, } }, } =end def self.list client_ids = self.sessions session_list = {} client_ids.each { |client_id| data = self.get(client_id) next if !data session_list[client_id] = data } session_list end =begin destroy session Sessions.destory(client_id) returns true|false =end def self.destory( client_id ) path = "#{@path}/#{client_id}" FileUtils.rm_rf path end =begin destroy idle session list_of_client_ids = Sessions.destory_idle_sessions returns ['4711', '4712'] =end def self.destory_idle_sessions(idle_time_in_sec = 240) list_of_closed_sessions = [] clients = Sessions.list clients.each { |client_id, client| if !client[:meta] || !client[:meta][:last_ping] || ( client[:meta][:last_ping].to_i + idle_time_in_sec ) < list_of_closed_sessions.push client_id Sessions.destory( client_id ) end } list_of_closed_sessions end =begin touch session Sessions.touch(client_id) returns true|false =end def self.touch( client_id ) data = self.get(client_id) return false if !data path = "#{@path}/#{client_id}" data[:meta][:last_ping] = content = data.to_json path + '/session', 'wb' ) { |file| file.write content } true end =begin get session data data = Sessions.get(client_id) returns { :user => { 'id' => 123, }, :meta => { :type => 'websocket', :last_ping => time_of_last_ping, } } =end def self.get( client_id ) session_dir = "#{@path}/#{client_id}" session_file = "#{session_dir}/session" data = nil if !File.exist? session_dir self.destory(client_id) Rails.logger.error "missing session directory for '#{client_id}', remove session." return end if !File.exist? session_file self.destory(client_id) Rails.logger.errror "missing session file for '#{client_id}', remove session." return end begin session_file, 'rb' ) { |file| file.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) all = file.flock( File::LOCK_UN ) dataJSON = JSON.parse( all ) if dataJSON data = self.symbolize_keys(dataJSON) data[:user] = dataJSON['user'] # for compat. reasons end } rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.error e.inspect self.destory(client_id) Rails.logger.error "ERROR: reading session file '#{session_file}', remove session." return end data end =begin send message to client Sessions.send(client_id_of_recipient, data) returns true|false =end def self.send( client_id, data ) path = "#{@path}/#{client_id}/" filename = "send-#{ }" check = true count = 0 while check if File::exist?( path + filename ) count += 1 filename = "#{filename}-#{count}" else check = false end end return false if ! path path + 'a-' + filename, 'wb' ) { |file| file.flock( File::LOCK_EX ) file.write data.to_json file.flock( File::LOCK_UN ) file.close } return false if !File.exist?( path + 'a-' + filename ) path + 'a-' + filename, path + filename ) true end =begin send message to recipient client Sessions.send_to(user_id, data) returns true|false =end def self.send_to( user_id, data ) # list all current clients client_list = self.sessions client_list.each {|client_id| session = Sessions.get(client_id) next if !session next if !session[:user] next if !session[:user]['id'] next if session[:user]['id'].to_i != user_id.to_i Sessions.send( client_id, data ) } true end =begin send message to all client Sessions.broadcast(data) returns true|false =end def self.broadcast( data ) # list all current clients client_list = self.sessions client_list.each {|client_id| Sessions.send( client_id, data ) } true end =begin get messages for client messages = Sessions.queue(client_id_of_recipient) returns [ { key1 => 'some data of message 1', key2 => 'some data of message 1', }, { key1 => 'some data of message 2', key2 => 'some data of message 2', }, ] =end def self.queue( client_id ) path = "#{@path}/#{client_id}/" data = [] files = [] Dir.foreach( path ) {|entry| next if entry == '.' next if entry == '..' files.push entry } files.sort.each {|entry| filename = "#{path}/#{entry}" if /^send/.match( entry ) data.push Sessions.queue_file_read( path, entry ) end } data end def self.queue_file_read( path, filename ) file_old = "#{path}#{filename}" file_new = "#{path}a-#{filename}" file_old, file_new ) all = '' file_new, 'rb' ) { |file| all = } File.delete( file_new ) JSON.parse( all ) end def self.cleanup path = "#{@path}/spool/" FileUtils.rm_rf path path = "#{@path}/tmp/" FileUtils.rm_rf path end def self.spool_create( msg ) path = "#{@path}/spool/" FileUtils.mkpath path file = "#{}-#{rand(99_999)}" path + '/' + file, 'wb' ) { |file| data = { msg: msg, timestamp:, } file.write data.to_json } end def self.spool_list( timestamp, current_user_id ) path = "#{@path}/spool/" FileUtils.mkpath path data = [] to_delete = [] files = [] Dir.foreach( path ) {|entry| next if entry == '.' next if entry == '..' files.push entry } files.sort.each {|entry| filename = "#{path}/#{entry}" next if !File::exist?( filename ) filename, 'rb' ) { |file| all = spool = JSON.parse( all ) begin message_parsed = JSON.parse( spool['msg'] ) rescue => e Rails.logger.error "can't parse spool message: #{ message }, #{ e.inspect }" next end # ignore message older then 48h if spool['timestamp'] + (2 * 86_400) < to_delete.push "#{path}/#{entry}" next end # add spool attribute to push spool info to clients message_parsed['spool'] = true # only send not already now messages if !timestamp || timestamp < spool['timestamp'] # spool to recipient list if message_parsed['recipient'] && message_parsed['recipient']['user_id'] message_parsed['recipient']['user_id'].each { |user_id| if current_user_id == user_id item = { type: 'direct', message: message_parsed, } data.push item end } # spool to every client else item = { type: 'broadcast', message: message_parsed, } data.push item end end } } to_delete.each {|file| File.delete(file) } data end def # just make sure that spool path exists if !File::exist?( @path ) FileUtils.mkpath @path end Thread.abort_on_exception = true while true client_ids = self.sessions client_ids.each { |client_id| # connection already open, ignore next if @@client_threads[client_id] # get current user session_data = Sessions.get( client_id ) next if !session_data next if !session_data[:user] next if !session_data[:user]['id'] user = User.lookup( id: session_data[:user]['id'] ) next if !user # start client thread if !@@client_threads[client_id] @@client_threads[client_id] = true @@client_threads[client_id] = { thread_client(client_id) @@client_threads[client_id] = nil puts "close client (#{client_id}) thread" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close } sleep 0.5 end } # system settings sleep 0.5 end end =begin check if thread for client_id is running Sessions.thread_client_exists?(client_id) returns thread =end def self.thread_client_exists?(client_id) @@client_threads[client_id] end =begin start client for browser Sessions.thread_client(client_id) returns thread =end def self.thread_client(client_id, try_count = 0, try_run_time = "LOOP #{client_id} - #{try_count}" begin rescue => e Rails.logger.error "thread_client #{client_id} exited with error #{ e.inspect }" Rails.logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n ") sleep 10 begin # ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection # ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.reap ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.release_connection rescue => e Rails.logger.error "Can't reconnect to database #{ e.inspect }" end try_run_max = 10 try_count += 1 # reset error counter if to old if try_run_time + ( 60 * 5 ) < try_count = 0 end try_run_time = # restart job again if try_run_max > try_count thread_client(client_id, try_count, try_run_time) else raise "STOP thread_client for client #{client_id} after #{try_run_max} tries" end end "/LOOP #{client_id} - #{try_count}" end def self.symbolize_keys(hash) hash.inject({}) {|result, (key, value)| new_key = case key when String then key.to_sym else key end new_value = case value when Hash then symbolize_keys(value) else value end result[new_key] = new_value result } end end