module SignatureDetection =begin try to detect the signature in list of articles for example signature = SignatureDetection.find_signature(string_list) returns signature = '...signature possible match...' =end def self.find_signature(string_list) # hash with possible signature and count of matches in string list possible_signatures = {} # loop all strings in array ( 0..string_list.length - 1 ).each {|main_string_index| break if main_string_index + 1 > string_list.length - 1 # loop all all strings in array except of the previous index ( main_string_index + 1..string_list.length - 1 ).each {|second_string_index| # get content of string 1 string1_content = string_list[main_string_index] # get content of string 2 string2_content = string_list[second_string_index] # diff strings diff_result =, string2_content) # split diff result by new line diff_result_array = diff_result.to_s.split("\n") # define start index for blocks with no difference match_block = nil # loop of lines of the diff result ( 0..diff_result_array.length - 1 ).each {|diff_string_index| # if no block with difference is defined then we try to find a string block without a difference if !match_block match_block = diff_string_index end # get line of diff result with current loop inde line = diff_result_array[diff_string_index] # check if the line starts with # + = new content incoming # - = removed content # \ = end of file # or if the current line is the last line of the diff result next if line !~ /^(\\|\+|\-)/i && diff_string_index != diff_result_array.length - 1 # if the count of the lines without any difference is higher than 5 lines if diff_string_index - match_block > 5 # define the block size without any difference # except "-" because in this case 1 line is removed to much match_block_total = diff_string_index + (line =~ /^(\\|\+)/i ? -1 : 0) # get string of possible signature match_content = '' ( match_block..match_block_total ).each {|match_block_index| match_content += "#{diff_result_array[match_block_index][1..-1]}\n" } # count the match of the signature in string list to rank # the signature possible_signatures[match_content] ||= 0 possible_signatures[match_content] += 1 break end match_block = nil } } } # loop all possible signature by rating and return highest rating possible_signatures.sort { |a1, a2| a2[1].to_i <=> a1[1].to_i }.map do |content, _score| return content.chomp end nil end =begin this function will search for a signature string in a string (e.g. article) and return the line number of the signature start signature_line = SignatureDetection.find_signature_line(signature, string) returns signature_line = 123 or signature_line = nil =end def self.find_signature_line(signature, string) # try to find the char position of the signature search_position = string.index(signature) return if search_position.nil? # count new lines up to signature string[0..search_position].split("\n").length + 1 end =begin this function will search for a signature string in all articles of a given user_id signature = SignatureDetection.by_user_id(user_id) returns signature = '...signature possible match...' =end def self.by_user_id(user_id) article_type = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup(name: 'email') article_bodies = [] tickets = Ticket.where(created_by_id: user_id, create_article_type_id: :desc) tickets.each {|ticket| article = ticket.articles.first article_bodies.push article.body } find_signature( article_bodies ) end =begin rebuild signature for each user SignatureDetection.rebuild_all returns true/false =end def self.rebuild_all'id').where(active: true).each {|local_user| signature_detection = by_user_id( next if !signature_detection user = User.find( next if user.preferences[:signature_detection] == signature_detection user.preferences[:signature_detection] = signature_detection } true end end