$LOAD_PATH << './lib' require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' require 'em-websocket' require 'json' require 'fileutils' require 'session' require 'optparse' # Look for -o with argument, and -I and -D boolean arguments @options = { :p => 6042, :b => '', :s => false, :d => false, :k => '/path/to/server.key', :c => '/path/to/server.crt', :i => Dir.pwd.to_s + '/tmp/pids/websocket.pid' } tls_options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: websocket-server.rb [options]" opts.on("-d", "--debug", "enable debug messages") do |d| @options[:d] = d end opts.on("-p", "--port [OPT]", "port of websocket server") do |p| @options[:p] = p end opts.on("-b", "--bind [OPT]", "bind address") do |b| @options[:b] = b end opts.on("-s", "--secure", "enable secure connections") do |s| @options[:s] = s end opts.on("-i", "--pid [OPT]", "pid, default is tmp/pids/websocket.pid") do |i| @options[:i] = i end opts.on("-k", "--private-key [OPT]", "/path/to/server.key for secure connections") do |k| tls_options[:private_key_file] = k end opts.on("-c", "--certificate [OPT]", "/path/to/server.crt for secure connections") do |c| tls_options[:cert_chain_file] = c end end.parse! puts "Starting websocket server on #{ @options[:b] }:#{ @options[:p] } (secure:#{ @options[:s].to_s },pid:#{@options[:i].to_s})" #puts options.inspect # create pid file $daemon_pid = File.new( @options[:i].to_s,"w" ) $daemon_pid.sync = true $daemon_pid.puts(Process.pid.to_s) $daemon_pid.close @clients = {} @spool = [] EventMachine.run { EventMachine::WebSocket.start( :host => @options[:b], :port => @options[:p], :secure => @options[:s], :tls_options => tls_options ) do |ws| # register client connection ws.onopen { client_id = ws.object_id log 'notice', 'Client connected.', client_id if !@clients.include? client_id @clients[client_id] = { :websocket => ws, :last_ping => Time.new, :error_count => 0, } end } # unregister client connection ws.onclose { client_id = ws.object_id log 'notice', 'Client disconnected.', client_id # removed from current client list if @clients.include? client_id @clients.delete client_id end Session.destory( client_id ) } # manage messages ws.onmessage { |msg| client_id = ws.object_id log 'debug', "received message: #{ msg } ", client_id begin data = JSON.parse(msg) rescue => e log 'error', "can't parse message: #{ msg }, #{ e.inspect}", client_id next end # check if connection already exists next if !@clients[client_id] # spool messages for new connects if data['spool'] meta = { :msg => msg, :msg_object => data, :timestamp => Time.now.to_i, } @spool.push meta end # get spool messages if data['action'] == 'spool' @spool.each { |message| # only send not already now messages if !data['timestamp'] || data['timestamp'] < message[:timestamp] # spool to recipient list if message[:msg_object]['recipient'] && message[:msg_object]['recipient']['user_id'] message[:msg_object]['recipient']['user_id'].each { |user_id| if @clients[client_id][:session]['id'] == user_id log 'notice', "send spool to (user_id=#{user_id})", client_id @clients[client_id][:websocket].send( "[#{ message[:msg] }]" ) end } # spool every client else log 'notice', "send spool", client_id @clients[client_id][:websocket].send( "[#{ message[:msg] }]" ) end end } end # get session if data['action'] == 'login' @clients[client_id][:session] = data['session'] Session.create( client_id, data['session'], { :type => 'websocket' } ) # remember ping, send pong back elsif data['action'] == 'ping' @clients[client_id][:last_ping] = Time.now @clients[client_id][:websocket].send( '[{"action":"pong"}]' ) # broadcast elsif data['action'] == 'broadcast' # list all current clients client_list = Session.list client_list.each {|local_client_id, local_client| if local_client_id.to_s != client_id.to_s # broadcast to recipient list if data['recipient'] && data['recipient']['user_id'] data['recipient']['user_id'].each { |user_id| if local_client[:user][:id] == user_id log 'notice', "send broadcast to (user_id=#{user_id})", local_client_id if local_client[:meta][:type] == 'websocket' && @clients[ local_client_id ] @clients[ local_client_id ][:websocket].send( "[#{msg}]" ) else Session.send( local_client_id, data ) end end } # broadcast every client else log 'notice', "send broadcast", local_client_id if local_client[:meta][:type] == 'websocket' && @clients[ local_client_id ] @clients[ local_client_id ][:websocket].send( "[#{msg}]" ) else Session.send( local_client_id, data ) end end end } end } end # check unused connections EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) { check_unused_connections } # check open unused connections, kick all connection without activitie in the last 2 minutes EventMachine.add_periodic_timer(120) { check_unused_connections } EventMachine.add_periodic_timer(20) { # websocket log 'notice', "Status: websocket clients: #{ @clients.size }" @clients.each { |client_id, client| log 'notice', 'working...', client_id } # ajax client_list = Session.list clients = 0 client_list.each {|client_id, client| next if client[:meta][:type] == 'websocket' clients = clients + 1 } log 'notice', "Status: ajax clients: #{ clients }" client_list.each {|client_id, client| next if client[:meta][:type] == 'websocket' log 'notice', 'working...', client_id } } EventMachine.add_periodic_timer(0.4) { next if @clients.size == 0 log 'debug', "checking for data to send..." @clients.each { |client_id, client| next if client[:disconnect] log 'debug', 'checking for data...', client_id begin queue = Session.queue( client_id ) if queue && queue[0] # log "send " + queue.inspect, client_id log 'notice', "send data to client", client_id client[:websocket].send( queue.to_json ) end rescue => e log 'error', 'problem:' + e.inspect, client_id # disconnect client client[:error_count] += 1 if client[:error_count] > 100 if @clients.include? client_id @clients.delete client_id end end end } } def check_unused_connections log 'notice', "check unused idle connections..." idle_time_in_min = 4 # web sockets @clients.each { |client_id, client| if ( client[:last_ping] + ( 60 * idle_time_in_min ) ) < Time.now log 'notice', "closing idle websocket connection", client_id # remember to not use this connection anymore client[:disconnect] = true # try to close regular client[:websocket].close_websocket # delete sesstion from client list sleep 1 @clients.delete(client_id) end } # ajax clients = Session.list clients.each { |client_id, client| next if client[:meta][:type] == 'websocket' if ( client[:meta][:last_ping].to_i + ( 60 * idle_time_in_min ) ) < Time.now.to_i log 'notice', "closing idle ajax connection", client_id Session.destory( client_id ) end } end def log( level, data, client_id = '-' ) if !@options[:d] return if level == 'debug' end puts "#{Time.now}:client(#{ client_id }) #{ data }" # puts "#{Time.now}:#{ level }:client(#{ client_id }) #{ data }" end }