require 'rails_helper' require 'models/application_model_examples' require 'models/concerns/has_groups_examples' require 'models/concerns/has_roles_examples' require 'models/concerns/has_groups_permissions_examples' require 'models/concerns/has_xss_sanitized_note_examples' require 'models/concerns/can_be_imported_examples' require 'models/concerns/can_lookup_examples' require 'models/concerns/has_object_manager_attributes_validation_examples' RSpec.describe User, type: :model do it_behaves_like 'ApplicationModel', can_assets: { associations: :organization } it_behaves_like 'HasGroups', group_access_factory: :agent_user it_behaves_like 'HasRoles', group_access_factory: :agent_user it_behaves_like 'HasXssSanitizedNote', model_factory: :user it_behaves_like 'HasGroups and Permissions', group_access_no_permission_factory: :user it_behaves_like 'CanBeImported' it_behaves_like 'CanLookup' it_behaves_like 'HasObjectManagerAttributesValidation' subject(:user) { create(:user) } let(:admin) { create(:admin_user) } let(:agent) { create(:agent_user) } let(:customer) { create(:customer_user) } describe 'Class methods:' do describe '.authenticate' do subject(:user) { create(:user, password: password) } let(:password) { Faker::Internet.password } context 'with valid credentials' do context 'using #login' do it 'returns the matching user' do expect(described_class.authenticate(user.login, password)) .to eq(user) end it 'is not case-sensitive' do expect(described_class.authenticate(user.login.upcase, password)) .to eq(user) end end context 'using #email' do it 'returns the matching user' do expect(described_class.authenticate(, password)) .to eq(user) end it 'is not case-sensitive' do expect(described_class.authenticate(, password)) .to eq(user) end end context 'but exceeding failed login limit' do before { user.update(login_failed: 999) } it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.authenticate(user.login, password)) .to be(nil) end end context 'when previous login was' do context 'never' do it 'updates #last_login and #updated_at' do expect { described_class.authenticate(user.login, password) } .to change { user.reload.last_login } .and change { user.reload.updated_at } end end context 'less than 10 minutes ago' do before do described_class.authenticate(user.login, password) travel 9.minutes end it 'does not update #last_login and #updated_at' do expect { described_class.authenticate(user.login, password) } .to not_change { user.reload.last_login } .and not_change { user.reload.updated_at } end end context 'more than 10 minutes ago' do before do described_class.authenticate(user.login, password) travel 11.minutes end it 'updates #last_login and #updated_at' do expect { described_class.authenticate(user.login, password) } .to change { user.reload.last_login } .and change { user.reload.updated_at } end end end end context 'with valid user and invalid password' do it 'increments failed login count' do expect { described_class.authenticate(user.login, } .to change { user.reload.login_failed }.by(1) end it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.authenticate(user.login, be(nil) end end context 'with inactive user’s login' do before { user.update(active: false) } it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.authenticate(user.login, password)).to be(nil) end end context 'with non-existent user login' do it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.authenticate('john.doe', password)).to be(nil) end end context 'with empty login string' do it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.authenticate('', password)).to be(nil) end end context 'with empty password string' do it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.authenticate(user.login, '')).to be(nil) end end end describe '.identify' do it 'returns users by given login' do expect(User.identify(user.login)).to eq(user) end it 'returns users by given email' do expect(User.identify( eq(user) end end end describe 'Instance methods:' do describe '#max_login_failed?' do it { respond_to(:max_login_failed?) } context 'with "password_max_login_failed" setting' do before { Setting.set('password_max_login_failed', 5) } before { user.update(login_failed: 5) } it 'returns true once user’s #login_failed count exceeds the setting' do expect { user.update(login_failed: 6) } .to change { user.max_login_failed? }.to(true) end end context 'without password_max_login_failed setting' do before { Setting.set('password_max_login_failed', nil) } before { user.update(login_failed: 0) } it 'defaults to 0' do expect { user.update(login_failed: 1) } .to change { user.max_login_failed? }.to(true) end end end describe '#out_of_office?' do context 'without any out_of_office_* attributes set' do it 'returns false' do expect(agent.out_of_office?).to be(false) end end context 'with valid #out_of_office_* attributes' do before do agent.update( out_of_office_start_at: Time.current.yesterday, out_of_office_end_at: Time.current.tomorrow, out_of_office_replacement_id: 1 ) end context 'but #out_of_office: false' do before { agent.update(out_of_office: false) } it 'returns false' do expect(agent.out_of_office?).to be(false) end end context 'and #out_of_office: true' do before { agent.update(out_of_office: true) } it 'returns true' do expect(agent.out_of_office?).to be(true) end context 'after the #out_of_office_end_at time has passed' do before { travel 2.days } it 'returns false (even though #out_of_office has not changed)' do expect(agent.out_of_office).to be(true) expect(agent.out_of_office?).to be(false) end end end end end describe '#out_of_office_agent' do it { respond_to(:out_of_office_agent) } context 'when user has no designated substitute' do it 'returns nil' do expect(user.out_of_office_agent).to be(nil) end end context 'when user has designated substitute' do let(:substitute) { create(:user) } subject(:user) do create(:user, out_of_office: out_of_office, out_of_office_start_at:, out_of_office_end_at:, out_of_office_replacement_id:,) end context 'but is not out of office' do let(:out_of_office) { false } it 'returns nil' do expect(user.out_of_office_agent).to be(nil) end end context 'and is out of office' do let(:out_of_office) { true } it 'returns the designated substitute' do expect(user.out_of_office_agent).to eq(substitute) end end end end describe '#out_of_office_agent_of' do context 'when no other agents are out-of-office' do it 'returns an empty ActiveRecord::Relation' do expect(agent.out_of_office_agent_of) .to be_an(ActiveRecord::Relation) .and be_empty end end context 'when designated as the substitute' do let!(:agent_on_holiday) do create( :agent_user, out_of_office_start_at: Time.current.yesterday, out_of_office_end_at: Time.current.tomorrow, out_of_office_replacement_id:, out_of_office: out_of_office ) end context 'of an in-office agent' do let(:out_of_office) { false } it 'returns an empty ActiveRecord::Relation' do expect(agent.out_of_office_agent_of) .to be_an(ActiveRecord::Relation) .and be_empty end end context 'of an out-of-office agent' do let(:out_of_office) { true } it 'returns an ActiveRecord::Relation including that agent' do expect(agent.out_of_office_agent_of) .to match_array([agent_on_holiday]) end end end end describe '#by_reset_token' do let(:token) { create(:token_password_reset) } subject(:user) { token.user } context 'with a valid token' do it 'returns the matching user' do expect(described_class.by_reset_token( eq(user) end end context 'with an invalid token' do it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.by_reset_token('not-existing')).to be(nil) end end end describe '#password_reset_via_token' do let!(:token) { create(:token_password_reset) } subject(:user) { token.user } it 'changes the password of the token user and destroys the token' do expect { described_class.password_reset_via_token(, Faker::Internet.password) } .to change { user.reload.password } .and change { Token.count }.by(-1) end end describe '#access?' do context 'when an admin' do subject(:user) { create(:user, roles: [partial_admin_role]) } context 'with "admin.user" privileges' do let(:partial_admin_role) do create(:role).tap { |role| role.permission_grant('admin.user') } end context 'wants to read, change, or delete any user' do it 'returns true' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(admin.access?(user, 'change')).to be(true) expect(admin.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(true) expect(agent.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(agent.access?(user, 'change')).to be(true) expect(agent.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(true) expect(customer.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(customer.access?(user, 'change')).to be(true) expect(customer.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(true) expect(user.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(user.access?(user, 'change')).to be(true) expect(user.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(true) end end end context 'without "admin.user" privileges' do let(:partial_admin_role) do create(:role).tap { |role| role.permission_grant('admin.tag') } end context 'wants to read any user' do it 'returns true' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(agent.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(customer.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(user.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) end end context 'wants to change or delete any user' do it 'returns false' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(admin.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(customer.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(customer.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(user.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(user.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) end end end end context 'when an agent' do subject(:user) { create(:agent_user) } context 'wants to read any user' do it 'returns true' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(agent.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(customer.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(user.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) end end context 'wants to change' do context 'any admin or agent' do it 'returns false' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(user.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) end end context 'any customer' do it 'returns true' do expect(customer.access?(user, 'change')).to be(true) end end end context 'wants to delete any user' do it 'returns false' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(customer.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(user.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) end end end context 'when a customer' do subject(:user) { create(:customer_user, :with_org) } let(:colleague) { create(:customer_user, organization: user.organization) } context 'wants to read' do context 'any admin, agent, or customer from a different organization' do it 'returns false' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'read')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'read')).to be(false) expect(customer.access?(user, 'read')).to be(false) end end context 'any customer from the same organization' do it 'returns true' do expect(user.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) expect(colleague.access?(user, 'read')).to be(true) end end end context 'wants to change or delete any user' do it 'returns false' do expect(admin.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(admin.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(agent.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(customer.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(customer.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(colleague.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(colleague.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) expect(user.access?(user, 'change')).to be(false) expect(user.access?(user, 'delete')).to be(false) end end end end describe '#permissions?' do subject(:user) { create(:user, roles: [role]) } let(:role) { create(:role, permissions: [permission]) } let(:permission) { create(:permission, name: permission_name) } context 'with privileges for a root permission (e.g., "foo", not "")' do let(:permission_name) { 'foo' } context 'when given that exact permission' do it 'returns true' do expect(user.permissions?('foo')).to be(true) end end context 'when given a sub-permission (i.e., child permission)' do let(:subpermission) { create(:permission, name: '') } context 'that exists' do before { subpermission } it 'returns true' do expect(user.permissions?('')).to be(true) end end context 'that is inactive' do before { subpermission.update(active: false) } it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('')).to be(false) end end context 'that does not exist' do it 'returns true' do expect(user.permissions?('')).to be(true) end end end context 'when given a glob' do context 'matching that permission' do it 'returns true' do expect(user.permissions?('foo.*')).to be(true) end end context 'NOT matching that permission' do it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('bar.*')).to be(false) end end end end context 'with privileges for a sub-permission (e.g., "", not "foo")' do let(:permission_name) { '' } context 'when given that exact sub-permission' do it 'returns true' do expect(user.permissions?('')).to be(true) end context 'but the permission is inactive' do before { permission.update(active: false) } it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('')).to be(false) end end end context 'when given a sibling sub-permission' do let(:sibling_permission) { create(:permission, name: 'foo.baz') } context 'that exists' do before { sibling_permission } it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('foo.baz')).to be(false) end end context 'that does not exist' do it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('foo.baz')).to be(false) end end end context 'when given the parent permission' do it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('foo')).to be(false) end end context 'when given a glob' do context 'matching that sub-permission' do it 'returns true' do expect(user.permissions?('foo.*')).to be(true) end context 'but the permission is inactive' do before { permission.update(active: false) } it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('')).to be(false) end end end context 'NOT matching that sub-permission' do it 'returns false' do expect(user.permissions?('bar.*')).to be(false) end end end end end describe '#permissions_with_child_ids' do context 'with privileges for a root permission (e.g., "foo", not "")' do subject(:user) { create(:user, roles: [role]) } let(:role) { create(:role, permissions: [permission]) } let!(:permission) { create(:permission, name: 'foo') } let!(:child_permission) { create(:permission, name: '') } let!(:inactive_child_permission) { create(:permission, name: 'foo.baz', active: false) } it 'includes the IDs of user’s explicit permissions' do expect(user.permissions_with_child_ids) .to include( end it 'includes the IDs of user’s active sub-permissions' do expect(user.permissions_with_child_ids) .to include( .and not_include( end end end end describe 'Attributes:' do describe '#out_of_office' do context 'with #out_of_office_start_at: nil' do before { agent.update(out_of_office_start_at: nil, out_of_office_end_at: Time.current) } it 'cannot be set to true' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end context 'with #out_of_office_end_at: nil' do before { agent.update(out_of_office_start_at: Time.current, out_of_office_end_at: nil) } it 'cannot be set to true' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end context 'when #out_of_office_start_at is AFTER #out_of_office_end_at' do before { agent.update(out_of_office_start_at: Time.current.tomorrow, out_of_office_end_at: Time.current.next_month) } it 'cannot be set to true' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end context 'when #out_of_office_start_at is AFTER Time.current' do before { agent.update(out_of_office_start_at: Time.current.tomorrow, out_of_office_end_at: Time.current.yesterday) } it 'cannot be set to true' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end context 'when #out_of_office_end_at is BEFORE Time.current' do before { agent.update(out_of_office_start_at: Time.current.last_month, out_of_office_end_at: Time.current.yesterday) } it 'cannot be set to true' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) end end end describe '#out_of_office_replacement_id' do it 'cannot be set to invalid user ID' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office_replacement_id: User.pluck(:id) } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey) end it 'can be set to a valid user ID' do expect { agent.update(out_of_office_replacement_id: 1) } .not_to raise_error end end describe '#login_failed' do before { user.update(login_failed: 1) } it 'is reset to 0 when password is updated' do expect { user.update(password: Faker::Internet.password) } .to change { user.login_failed }.to(0) end end describe '#password' do context 'when set to plaintext password' do it 'hashes password before saving to DB' do user.password = 'password' expect { } .to change { user.password }.to(PasswordHash.crypt('password')) end end context 'when set to SHA2 digest (to facilitate OTRS imports)' do it 'does not re-hash before saving' do user.password = "{sha2}#{Digest::SHA2.hexdigest('password')}" expect { }.not_to change { user.password } end end context 'when set to Argon2 digest' do it 'does not re-hash before saving' do user.password = PasswordHash.crypt('password') expect { }.not_to change { user.password } end end end describe '#phone' do subject(:user) { create(:user, phone: orig_number) } context 'when included on create' do let(:orig_number) { '1234567890' } it 'adds corresponding CallerId record' do expect { user } .to change { Cti::CallerId.where(caller_id: orig_number).count }.by(1) end end context 'when added on update' do let(:orig_number) { nil } let(:new_number) { '1234567890' } before { user } # create user it 'adds corresponding CallerId record' do expect { user.update(phone: new_number) } .to change { Cti::CallerId.where(caller_id: new_number).count }.by(1) end end context 'when falsely added on update (change: [nil, ""])' do let(:orig_number) { nil } let(:new_number) { '' } before { user } # create user it 'does not attempt to update CallerId record' do allow(Cti::CallerId).to receive(:build).with(any_args) expect(Cti::CallerId.where(object: 'User', o_id: .to eq(0) expect { user.update(phone: new_number) } .to change { Cti::CallerId.where(object: 'User', o_id: }.by(0) expect(Cti::CallerId).not_to have_received(:build) end end context 'when removed on update' do let(:orig_number) { '1234567890' } let(:new_number) { nil } before { user } # create user it 'removes corresponding CallerId record' do expect { user.update(phone: nil) } .to change { Cti::CallerId.where(caller_id: orig_number).count }.by(-1) end end context 'when changed on update' do let(:orig_number) { '1234567890' } let(:new_number) { } before { user } # create user it 'replaces CallerId record' do expect { user.update(phone: new_number) } .to change { Cti::CallerId.where(caller_id: orig_number).count }.by(-1) .and change { Cti::CallerId.where(caller_id: new_number).count }.by(1) end end end describe '#preferences' do describe '"mail_delivery_failed{,_data}" keys' do before do user.update( preferences: { mail_delivery_failed: true, mail_delivery_failed_data: Time.current } ) end it 'deletes "mail_delivery_failed"' do expect { user.update(email: } .to change { user.preferences.key?(:mail_delivery_failed) }.to(false) end it 'leaves "mail_delivery_failed_data" untouched' do expect { user.update(email: } .to not_change { user.preferences[:mail_delivery_failed_data] } end end end end describe 'Associations:' do describe '#organization' do describe 'email domain-based assignment' do subject(:user) { build(:user) } context 'when not set on creation' do before { user.assign_attributes(organization: nil) } context 'and #email domain matches an existing Organization#domain' do before { user.assign_attributes(email: '') } let(:organization) { create(:organization, domain: '') } context 'and Organization#domain_assignment is false (default)' do before { organization.update(domain_assignment: false) } it 'remains nil' do expect { }.not_to change { user.organization } end end context 'and Organization#domain_assignment is true' do before { organization.update(domain_assignment: true) } it 'is automatically set to matching Organization' do expect { } .to change { user.organization }.to(organization) end end end context 'and #email domain doesn’t match any Organization#domain' do before { user.assign_attributes(email: '') } let(:organization) { create(:organization, domain: '') } context 'and Organization#domain_assignment is true' do before { organization.update(domain_assignment: true) } it 'remains nil' do expect { }.not_to change { user.organization } end end end end context 'when set on creation' do before { user.assign_attributes(organization: specified_organization) } let(:specified_organization) { create(:organization, domain: '') } context 'and #email domain matches a DIFFERENT Organization#domain' do before { user.assign_attributes(email: '') } let!(:matching_organization) { create(:organization, domain: '') } context 'and Organization#domain_assignment is true' do before { matching_organization.update(domain_assignment: true) } it 'is NOT automatically set to matching Organization' do expect { } .not_to change { user.organization }.from(specified_organization) end end end end end end end describe 'Callbacks, Observers, & Async Transactions -' do describe 'System-wide agent limit checks:' do let(:agent_role) { Role.lookup(name: 'Agent') } let(:admin_role) { Role.lookup(name: 'Admin') } let(:current_agents) { User.with_permissions('ticket.agent') } describe '#validate_agent_limit_by_role' do context 'for Integer value of system_agent_limit' do context 'before exceeding the agent limit' do before { Setting.set('system_agent_limit', current_agents.count + 1) } it 'grants agent creation' do expect { create(:agent_user) } .to change { current_agents.count }.by(1) end it 'grants role change' do future_agent = create(:customer_user) expect { future_agent.roles = [agent_role] } .to change { current_agents.count }.by(1) end describe 'role updates' do let(:agent) { create(:agent_user) } it 'grants update by instances' do expect { agent.roles = [admin_role, agent_role] } .not_to raise_error end it 'grants update by id (Integer)' do expect { agent.role_ids = [,] } .not_to raise_error end it 'grants update by id (String)' do expect { agent.role_ids = [,] } .not_to raise_error end end end context 'when exceeding the agent limit' do it 'creation of new agents' do Setting.set('system_agent_limit', current_agents.count + 2) create_list(:agent_user, 2) expect { create(:agent_user) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) .and change { current_agents.count }.by(0) end it 'prevents role change' do Setting.set('system_agent_limit', current_agents.count) future_agent = create(:customer_user) expect { future_agent.roles = [agent_role] } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) .and change { current_agents.count }.by(0) end end end context 'for String value of system_agent_limit' do context 'before exceeding the agent limit' do before { Setting.set('system_agent_limit', (current_agents.count + 1).to_s) } it 'grants agent creation' do expect { create(:agent_user) } .to change { current_agents.count }.by(1) end it 'grants role change' do future_agent = create(:customer_user) expect { future_agent.roles = [agent_role] } .to change { current_agents.count }.by(1) end describe 'role updates' do let(:agent) { create(:agent_user) } it 'grants update by instances' do expect { agent.roles = [admin_role, agent_role] } .not_to raise_error end it 'grants update by id (Integer)' do expect { agent.role_ids = [,] } .not_to raise_error end it 'grants update by id (String)' do expect { agent.role_ids = [,] } .not_to raise_error end end end context 'when exceeding the agent limit' do it 'creation of new agents' do Setting.set('system_agent_limit', (current_agents.count + 2).to_s) create_list(:agent_user, 2) expect { create(:agent_user) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) .and change { current_agents.count }.by(0) end it 'prevents role change' do Setting.set('system_agent_limit', current_agents.count.to_s) future_agent = create(:customer_user) expect { future_agent.roles = [agent_role] } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) .and change { current_agents.count }.by(0) end end end end describe '#validate_agent_limit_by_attributes' do context 'for Integer value of system_agent_limit' do before { Setting.set('system_agent_limit', current_agents.count) } context 'when exceeding the agent limit' do it 'prevents re-activation of agents' do inactive_agent = create(:agent_user, active: false) expect { inactive_agent.update!(active: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) .and change { current_agents.count }.by(0) end end end context 'for String value of system_agent_limit' do before { Setting.set('system_agent_limit', current_agents.count.to_s) } context 'when exceeding the agent limit' do it 'prevents re-activation of agents' do inactive_agent = create(:agent_user, active: false) expect { inactive_agent.update!(active: true) } .to raise_error(Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity) .and change { current_agents.count }.by(0) end end end end end describe 'Cti::CallerId syncing:' do context 'with a #phone attribute' do subject(:user) { build(:user, phone: '1234567890') } it 'adds CallerId record on creation (via' do expect(Cti::CallerId).to receive(:build).with(user) end it 'updates CallerId record on touch/update (via' do expect(Cti::CallerId).to receive(:build).with(user) user.touch end it 'destroys CallerId record on deletion' do expect { user.destroy } .to change { Cti::CallerId.count }.by(-1) end end end describe 'Cti::Log syncing:' do context 'with existing Log records' do context 'for incoming calls from an unknown number' do let!(:log) { create(:'cti/log', :with_preferences, from: '1234567890', direction: 'in') } context 'when creating a new user with that number' do subject(:user) { build(:user, phone: log.from) } it 'populates #preferences[:from] hash in all associated Log records (in a bg job)' do expect do Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) change { log.reload.preferences[:from]&.first } .to(hash_including('caller_id' => end end context 'when updating a user with that number' do subject(:user) { create(:user) } it 'populates #preferences[:from] hash in all associated Log records (in a bg job)' do expect do user.update(phone: log.from) Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) change { log.reload.preferences[:from]&.first } .to(hash_including('object' => 'User', 'o_id' => end end context 'when creating a new user with an empty number' do subject(:user) { build(:user, phone: '') } it 'does not modify any Log records' do expect do Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) end.not_to change { log.reload.attributes } end end context 'when creating a new user with no number' do subject(:user) { build(:user, phone: nil) } it 'does not modify any Log records' do expect do Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) end.not_to change { log.reload.attributes } end end end context 'for incoming calls from the given user' do subject(:user) { create(:user, phone: '1234567890') } let!(:logs) { create_list(:'cti/log', 5, :with_preferences, from:, direction: 'in') } context 'when updating #phone attribute' do context 'to another number' do it 'empties #preferences[:from] hash in all associated Log records (in a bg job)' do expect do user.update(phone: '0123456789') Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) change { } .to( { {} }) end end context 'to an empty string' do it 'empties #preferences[:from] hash in all associated Log records (in a bg job)' do expect do user.update(phone: '') Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) change { } .to( { {} }) end end context 'to nil' do it 'empties #preferences[:from] hash in all associated Log records (in a bg job)' do expect do user.update(phone: nil) Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) change { } .to( { {} }) end end end context 'when updating attributes other than #phone' do it 'does not modify any Log records' do expect do user.update(mobile: '2345678901') Observer::Transaction.commit Scheduler.worker(true) end.not_to change { } end end end end end end end