class HtmlSanitizer =begin satinize html string based on whiltelist string = HtmlSanitizer.strict(string, external) =end def self.strict(string, external = false) # config tags_remove_content = Rails.configuration.html_sanitizer_tags_remove_content tags_quote_content = Rails.configuration.html_sanitizer_tags_quote_content tags_whitelist = Rails.configuration.html_sanitizer_tags_whitelist attributes_whitelist = Rails.configuration.html_sanitizer_attributes_whitelist css_properties_whitelist = Rails.configuration.html_sanitizer_css_properties_whitelist css_values_blacklist = Rails.application.config.html_sanitizer_css_values_backlist classes_whitelist = ['js-signatureMarker'] attributes_2_css = %w[width height] # remove html comments string.gsub!(//m, '') scrubber_link = do |node| # check if text has urls which need to be clickable if node&.name != 'a' && node.parent && != 'a' && (!node.parent.parent || != 'a') if node.class == Nokogiri::XML::Text urls = [] node.content.scan(%r{((http|https|ftp|tel)://.+?)([[:space:]]|\.[[:space:]]|,[[:space:]]|\.$|,$|\)|\(|$)}mxi).each do |match| if match[0] urls.push match[0].to_s.strip end end node.content.scan(/(^|:|;|\s)(www\..+?)([[:space:]]|\.[[:space:]]|,[[:space:]]|\.$|,$|\)|\(|$)/mxi).each do |match| if match[1] urls.push match[1].to_s.strip end end next if urls.blank? add_link(node.content, urls, node) end end # prepare links if node['href'] href = cleanup_target(node['href'], keep_spaces: true) href_without_spaces = href.gsub(/[[:space:]]/, '') if external && href_without_spaces.present? && !href_without_spaces.downcase.start_with?('//') && href_without_spaces.downcase !~ %r{^.{1,6}://.+?} node['href'] = "http://#{node['href']}" href = node['href'] href_without_spaces = href.gsub(/[[:space:]]/, '') end next if !href_without_spaces.downcase.start_with?('http', 'ftp', '//') node.set_attribute('href', href) node.set_attribute('rel', 'nofollow noreferrer noopener') node.set_attribute('target', '_blank') end if == 'a' && node['href'].blank? node.replace node.children.to_s Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # check if href is different to text if == 'a' && !url_same?(node['href'], node.text) if node['title'].blank? node['title'] = node['href'] end end end scrubber_wipe = do |node| # remove tags with subtree if tags_remove_content.include?( node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # remove tag, insert quoted content if tags_quote_content.include?( string = html_decode(node.content) text =, node.document) node.add_next_sibling(text) node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # replace tags, keep subtree if !tags_whitelist.include?( node.replace node.children.to_s Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # prepare src attribute if node['src'] src = cleanup_target(node['src']) if src =~ /(javascript|livescript|vbscript):/i || src.downcase.start_with?('http', 'ftp', '//') node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end end # clean class / only use allowed classes if node['class'] classes = node['class'].gsub(/\t|\n|\r/, '').split(' ') class_new = '' classes.each do |local_class| next if !classes_whitelist.include?(local_class.to_s.strip) if class_new != '' class_new += ' ' end class_new += local_class end if class_new != '' node['class'] = class_new else node.delete('class') end end # move style attributes to css attributes attributes_2_css.each do |key| next if !node[key] if node['style'].blank? node['style'] = '' else node['style'] += ';' end value = node[key] node.delete(key) next if value.blank? unless value.match?(/%|px|em/i) value += 'px' end node['style'] += "#{key}:#{value}" end # clean style / only use allowed style properties if node['style'] pears = node['style'].downcase.gsub(/\t|\n|\r/, '').split(';') style = '' pears.each do |local_pear| prop = local_pear.split(':') next if !prop[0] key = prop[0].strip next if !css_properties_whitelist.include?( next if !css_properties_whitelist[].include?(key) next if css_values_blacklist[]&.include?(local_pear.gsub(/[[:space:]]/, '').strip) style += "#{local_pear};" end node['style'] = style if style == '' node.delete('style') end end # scan for invalid link content %w[href style].each do |attribute_name| next if !node[attribute_name] href = cleanup_target(node[attribute_name]) next if href !~ /(javascript|livescript|vbscript):/i node.delete(attribute_name) end # remove attributes if not whitelisted node.each do |attribute, _value| attribute_name = attribute.downcase next if attributes_whitelist[:all].include?(attribute_name) || (attributes_whitelist[]&.include?(attribute_name)) node.delete(attribute) end # remove mailto links if node['href'] href = cleanup_target(node['href']) if href =~ /mailto:(.*)$/i text =$1, node.document) node.add_next_sibling(text) node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end end end new_string = '' done = true while done new_string = Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber_wipe).to_s if string == new_string done = false end string = new_string end Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber_link).to_s end =begin cleanup html string: * remove empty nodes (p, div, span, table) * remove nodes in general (keep content - span) string = HtmlSanitizer.cleanup(string) =end def self.cleanup(string) string.gsub!(/<[A-z]:[A-z]>/, '') string.gsub!(%r{}, '') string.delete!("\t") # remove all new lines string.gsub!(/(\n\r|\r\r\n|\r\n|\n)/, "\n") # remove double multiple empty lines string.gsub!(/\n\n\n+/, "\n\n") string = cleanup_structure(string, 'pre') string = cleanup_replace_tags(string) string = cleanup_structure(string) string end def self.cleanup_replace_tags(string) #return string tags_backlist = %w[span center] scrubber = do |node| next if !tags_backlist.include?( hit = false local_node = nil (1..5).each do |_count| local_node = if local_node local_node.parent else node.parent end break if !local_node next if != 'td' hit = true end next if hit && node.keys.count.positive? node.replace cleanup_replace_tags(node.children.to_s) Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber).to_s end def self.cleanup_structure(string, type = 'all') remove_empty_nodes = if type == 'pre' %w[span] else %w[p div span small table] end remove_empty_last_nodes = %w[b i u small table] # remove last empty nodes and empty -not needed- parrent nodes scrubber_structure = do |node| if remove_empty_last_nodes.include?( && node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # remove empty childs if node.content.blank? && remove_empty_nodes.include?( && node.children.size == 1 && remove_empty_nodes.include?( node.replace node.children.to_s Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # remove empty childs if remove_empty_nodes.include?( && node.children.size == 1 && remove_empty_nodes.include?( && node.children.first.content == node.content node.replace node.children.to_s Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end # remove node if empty and parent was already a remove node if node.content.blank? && remove_empty_nodes.include?( && node.parent && && remove_empty_nodes.include?( node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end end new_string = '' done = true while done new_string = Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber_structure).to_s if string == new_string done = false end string = new_string end scrubber_cleanup = do |node| # remove mailto links if node['href'] href = cleanup_target(node['href']) if href =~ /mailto:(.*)$/i text =$1, node.document) node.add_next_sibling(text) node.remove Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end end # remove not needed new lines if node.class == Nokogiri::XML::Text if !node.parent || ( != 'pre' && != 'code') content = node.content if content if content != ' ' && content != "\n" content.gsub!(/[[:space:]]+/, ' ') end if node.previous if == 'div' || == 'p' content.strip! end elsif node.parent && !node.previous && (! || == 'div' || == 'p' || == 'br') if ( == 'div' || == 'p') && content != ' ' && content != "\n" content.strip! end end node.content = content end end end end Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber_cleanup).to_s end def self.add_link(content, urls, node) if urls.blank? text =, node.document) node.add_next_sibling(text) return end url = urls.shift if content =~ /^(.*)#{Regexp.quote(url)}(.*)$/mx pre = $1 post = $2 if url.match?(/^www/i) url = "http://#{url}" end a = 'a', node.document a['href'] = url a['rel'] = 'nofollow noreferrer noopener' a['target'] = '_blank' a.content = url if node.class != Nokogiri::XML::Text text =, node.document) node.add_next_sibling(text).add_next_sibling(a) return if post.blank? add_link(post, urls, a) return end node.content = pre node.add_next_sibling(a) return if post.blank? add_link(post, urls, a) end true end def self.html_decode(string) string.gsub('&', '&').gsub('<', '<').gsub('>', '>').gsub('"', '"').gsub(' ', ' ') end def self.cleanup_target(string, keep_spaces: false) string = CGI.unescape(string).encode('utf-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') blank_regex = if keep_spaces /\t|\n|\r/ else /[[:space:]]|\t|\n|\r/ end string.strip.gsub(blank_regex, '').gsub(%r{/\*.*?\*/}, '').gsub(//, '').gsub(/\[.+?\]/, '').delete("\u0000") end def self.url_same?(url_new, url_old) url_new = CGI.unescape(url_new.to_s).encode('utf-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?').downcase.gsub(%r{/$}, '').gsub(/[[:space:]]|\t|\n|\r/, '').strip url_old = CGI.unescape(url_old.to_s).encode('utf-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?').downcase.gsub(%r{/$}, '').gsub(/[[:space:]]|\t|\n|\r/, '').strip url_new = html_decode(url_new).sub('/?', '?') url_old = html_decode(url_old).sub('/?', '?') return true if url_new == url_old return true if url_old == "http://#{url_new}" return true if url_new == "http://#{url_old}" return true if url_old == "https://#{url_new}" return true if url_new == "https://#{url_old}" false end =begin reolace inline images with cid images string = HtmlSanitizer.replace_inline_images(article.body) =end def self.replace_inline_images(string, prefix = rand(999_999_999)) attachments_inline = [] scrubber = do |node| if == 'img' if node['src'] && node['src'] =~ %r{^(data:image/(jpeg|png);base64,.+?)$}i file_attributes = StaticAssets.data_url_attributes($1) cid = "#{prefix}.#{rand(999_999_999)}@#{Setting.get('fqdn')}" attachment = { data: file_attributes[:content], filename: cid, preferences: { 'Content-Type' => file_attributes[:mime_type], 'Mime-Type' => file_attributes[:mime_type], 'Content-ID' => cid, 'Content-Disposition' => 'inline', }, } attachments_inline.push attachment node['src'] = "cid:#{cid}" end Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end end [Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber).to_s, attachments_inline] end =begin satinize style of img tags string = HtmlSanitizer.dynamic_image_size(article.body) =end def self.dynamic_image_size(string) scrubber = do |node| if == 'img' if node['src'] style = 'max-width:100%;' if node['style'] pears = node['style'].downcase.gsub(/\t|\n|\r/, '').split(';') pears.each do |local_pear| prop = local_pear.split(':') next if !prop[0] key = prop[0].strip if key == 'height' key = 'max-height' end style += "#{key}:#{prop[1]};" end end node['style'] = style end Loofah::Scrubber::STOP end end Loofah.fragment(string).scrub!(scrubber).to_s end private_class_method :cleanup_target private_class_method :add_link private_class_method :url_same? private_class_method :html_decode end