# Rails dropped the class # ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractMysqlAdapter::MysqlDateTime # via: https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/f1a0fa9e19b7e4ccaea191fc6cf0613880222ee7 # which we use in stored Cti::Log instance preferences. # Since we don't need the instances but just an Hash we have to: # - create a dummy class # - loop over all instances # - deserialize them in the preferences # - replace them in the preferences with the Hash version # create a dummy class module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class AbstractMysqlAdapter class MysqlDateTime < Type::DateTime end end end end class CtiLogPreferencesMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change # correct all entries Cti::Log.all.each do |item| next if !item.preferences next if item.preferences.blank? # check from and to keys which hold the instances %w(from to).each do |direction| next if item.preferences[direction].blank? # loop over all instances and covert them # to an Hash via .attributes updated = item.preferences[direction].each_with_object([]) do |caller_id, new_direction| new_direction.push(caller_id.attributes) end # overwrite the old key with the converted data item.preferences[direction] = updated end # update entry item.save! end end end