
98 lines
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# See for more about ignoring files.
# If you find yourself ignoring temporary files generated by your text editor
# or operating system, you probably want to add a global ignore instead:
# git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
# Configuration ================================================================
# These files will differ from one user to another;
# committing them may cause Zammad to behave unexpectedly on other machines
# Zammad -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# database (copy from config/database/database.yml, or use `rails bs:init`)
# local backup config file
# Dynamic environment config for Gitlab
# Third-Party ------------------------------------------------------------------
# The config files / dev tools listed below are optional
# and may not be present on most users' machines
# Bundler
# Clutter ======================================================================
# These files are automatically generated;
# in most cases, committing them won't do anything other than bloat the repo
# Zammad -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# database files
# translation cache files
# NPM / Yarn
# logfiles and tempfiles
# doorkeeper (OAuth 2)
# images
# Third-Party ------------------------------------------------------------------
# macOS
# vim
# RubyMine
# Eclipse
# Byebug
# SimpleCov
# RDoc / YARD
# Backup files