Thorsten Eckel ca56de3648 Maintenance: Updated to Rails 6.0.4 and the new Zeitwerk autoloader.
This changes the minimum supported version of PostgreSQL to 9.3.
2021-06-23 11:35:27 +00:00

104 lines
4.9 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation,
class ExcelSheet::Ticket < ExcelSheet
excel =
title: "#{year}-#{month}",
ticket_ids: ticket_ids,
additional_attributes: additional_attributes,
additional_attributes_header: additional_attributes_header,
timezone: params[:timezone],
locale: current_user.locale,
def initialize(params)
@ticket_ids = params[:ticket_ids] || []
@additional_attributes = params[:additional_attributes] || []
@additional_attributes_header = params[:additional_attributes_header] || []
title: params[:title],
header: ticket_header,
records: [],
timezone: params[:timezone],
locale: params[:locale]
def ticket_header
header = [
{ display: '#', name: 'number', width: 18, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Title', name: 'title', width: 34, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'State', name: 'state_id', width: 14, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Priority', name: 'priority_id', width: 14, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Group', name: 'group_id', width: 20, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Owner', name: 'owner_id', width: 20, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Customer', name: 'customer_id', width: 20, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Organization', name: 'organization_id', width: 20, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Create Channel', name: 'create_article_type_id', width: 10, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Sender', name: 'create_article_sender_id', width: 14, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Tags', name: 'tag_list', width: 20, data_type: 'string' },
{ display: 'Time Units Total', name: 'time_unit', width: 10, data_type: 'float' },
header.concat(@additional_attributes_header) if @additional_attributes_header
# ObjectManager attributes
active: true,
to_create: false,
object_lookup: ObjectLookup.lookup(name: 'Ticket')
name: header.pluck(:name)
display: header.pluck(:display)
.pluck_as_hash(:name, :display, :data_type, :data_option)
.each { |elem| elem[:width] = 20 }
.then { |objects| header.concat(objects) }
{ display: 'Created At', name: 'created_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Updated At', name: 'updated_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Closed At', name: 'close_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Close Escalation At', name: 'close_escalation_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Close In Min', name: 'close_in_min', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'Close Diff In Min', name: 'close_diff_in_min', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'First Response At', name: 'first_response_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'First Response Escalation At', name: 'first_response_escalation_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'First Response In Min', name: 'first_response_in_min', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'First Response Diff In Min', name: 'first_response_diff_in_min', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'Update Escalation At', name: 'update_escalation_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Update In Min', name: 'update_in_min', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'Update Diff In Min', name: 'update_diff_in_min', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'Last Contact At', name: 'last_contact_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Last Contact Agent At', name: 'last_contact_agent_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Last Contact Customer At', name: 'last_contact_customer_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
{ display: 'Article Count', name: 'article_count', width: 10, data_type: 'integer' },
{ display: 'Escalation At', name: 'escalation_at', width: 18, data_type: 'datetime' },
def gen_rows
@ticket_ids.each_with_index do |ticket_id, index|
ticket = ::Ticket.lookup(id: ticket_id)
raise "Can't find Ticket with ID #{ticket_id} for '#{@title}' #{} generation" if !ticket
gen_row_by_header(ticket, @additional_attributes[index])
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error e