• Joined on 2021-09-14
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-09-03 13:48:05 -03:00
c967479f88 keep building for alpine 3.13
0a0d01d9a9 unf_ext: mostly semantic versioning
Compare 2 commits »
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 21:57:09 -03:00
22c485037f puma: 5.6.3 got yanked
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 20:52:24 -03:00
b7a57b6a46 raindrops: linux-headers
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 19:40:09 -03:00
2830c000ce rugged: libraries
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 18:26:36 -03:00
2749fd6397 nio4r: install linux-headers
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 16:21:55 -03:00
e0a592c2b0 nokogiri: 1.13.1 requires an older mini_portile2
b941a37bef nokogiri: 1.12.5 requires an older mini_portile2
Compare 2 commits »
fauno opened issue Sutty/ansible-alpine-host#2 2022-08-27 15:33:52 -03:00
Deduplicación de archivos
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/ansible-alpine-host 2022-08-27 15:32:06 -03:00
1ffbc58034 docker: enable btrfs storage driver
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 15:12:15 -03:00
1839f85830 nokogiri: install mini_portile2
4b777342f1 mysql2: libraries
Compare 2 commits »
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/ansible-alpine-host 2022-08-27 14:45:05 -03:00
2cd8b09e00 apply ssd optimizations for btrfs
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-27 13:58:07 -03:00
196a88f447 nokogiri: misread configure.log
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-26 20:14:11 -03:00
64fceb05af retry
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-26 20:11:50 -03:00
901f444643 openssl: libraries
ae120007e3 nokogiri: libraries
ebe98f0587 Merge branch 'antifascista' of ssh://nulo.in:420/Sutty/gems into antifascista
12f2b941f1 pg: install postgresql-dev
Compare 4 commits »
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-26 18:39:08 -03:00
5a51e805bc follow dns versioning
d9dc9e6978 timeout before an hour
58a006945a built for alpine 3.16
395731e82b sqlite3: install sqlite-dev
Compare 4 commits »
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-26 17:30:52 -03:00
bc56c4386b follow gem-compiler versioning
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/gems 2022-08-26 17:29:09 -03:00
85b63e2dbf new structure
fc0dcf0a8d Merge branch 'antifascista' of ssh://nulo.in:420/Sutty/gems into antifascista
bc0ce43e38 try to upgrade to ruby 3.1
23880bfeac follow new file structure
0b7bcb6958 build for different alpine versions
Compare 5 commits »
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/containers-gem-compiler 2022-08-26 16:23:46 -03:00
4759658774 support different (alpine) versions
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/containers-gem-compiler 2022-08-26 15:44:07 -03:00
5a52984b3d Merge branch 'antifascista' of ssh://gitea.nulo.in:420/Sutty/containers-skel into antifascista
0b354f4fea releases fixing zlib cve
9c4de359fb alpine upgrades
Compare 3 commits »
fauno pushed to antifascista at Sutty/containers-ruby 2022-08-26 14:12:32 -03:00
4ccb774c19 Merge branch 'antifascista' of https://gitea.nulo.in/Sutty/containers-monit into antifascista
9329c68860 Merge branch 'antifascista' of ssh://gitea.nulo.in:420/Sutty/containers-skel into antifascista
0b354f4fea releases fixing zlib cve
f031a78685 Merge branch 'antifascista' of ssh://gitea.nulo.in:420/Sutty/containers-monit into antifascista
65b97b7dfd Merge branch 'syslogize' into antifascista
Compare 8 commits »