fmt.Printf("□ finished tracking %s on %s for %sh\n",color.FgLightWhite.Render(runningEntry.Task),color.FgLightWhite.Render(runningEntry.Project),trackDiffOut.Format("15:04"))
finishCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&begin,"begin","b","","Time the entry should begin at\n\nEither in the formats 16:00 / 4:00PM \nor relative to the current time, \ne.g. -0:15 (now minus 15 minutes), +1.50 (now plus 1:30h).")
finishCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&finish,"finish","s","","Time the entry should finish at\n\nEither in the formats 16:00 / 4:00PM \nor relative to the current time, \ne.g. -0:15 (now minus 15 minutes), +1.50 (now plus 1:30h).\nMust be after --begin time.")
finishCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&project,"project","p","","Project to be assigned")
finishCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&task,"task","t","","Task to be assigned")