
107 lines
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2012-04-10 13:31:21 +00:00
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)
require 'rails/all'
2015-09-25 14:37:55 +00:00
# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
2012-04-10 13:31:21 +00:00
module Zammad
class Application < Rails::Application
# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
# Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers
# -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded.
2015-09-25 14:37:55 +00:00
# Do not swallow errors in after_commit/after_rollback callbacks.
config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true
2012-04-10 13:31:21 +00:00
# Custom directories with classes and modules you want to be autoloadable.
2013-09-28 00:07:11 +00:00
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
2012-04-10 13:31:21 +00:00
# Activate observers that should always be running.
# config.active_record.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector, :forum_observer
config.active_record.observers =
2013-07-26 21:45:16 +00:00
2012-11-18 11:04:03 +00:00
2013-03-05 12:31:23 +00:00
2015-09-09 06:49:08 +00:00
2015-03-08 21:33:17 +00:00
2015-03-08 21:33:17 +00:00
2016-04-15 21:56:10 +00:00
# REST api path
config.api_path = '/api/v1'
2015-09-25 14:37:55 +00:00
# define cache store
config.cache_store = :file_store, "#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache_file_store_#{Rails.env}"
2015-09-25 14:37:55 +00:00
# default preferences by permission
config.preferences_default_by_permission = {
'ticket.agent' => {
notification_config: {
matrix: {
create: {
criteria: {
owned_by_me: true,
owned_by_nobody: true,
no: false,
channel: {
email: true,
online: true,
update: {
criteria: {
owned_by_me: true,
owned_by_nobody: true,
no: false,
channel: {
email: true,
online: true,
reminder_reached: {
criteria: {
owned_by_me: true,
2016-02-08 07:25:27 +00:00
owned_by_nobody: false,
no: false,
channel: {
email: true,
online: true,
escalation: {
criteria: {
owned_by_me: true,
2016-02-08 07:25:27 +00:00
owned_by_nobody: false,
no: false,
channel: {
email: true,
online: true,
2012-04-10 13:31:21 +00:00